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Tag: gadcs

Member Advisory: MedPac to Discuss Ground Ambulance Data

On Thursday, March 6, the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC) will hold the first of several Commission discussions related to the statutorily mandated report to review ground ambulance payment policy in light of the Ground Ambulance Data Collection System. The AAA has already met with MedPAC staff and will also provide a summary of the meeting. Given that CMS will likely publish the second data collection period report at the end of 2025, we anticipate that the MedPAC report will be published in its June 2026 report.
The MedPAC process involves a series of public meetings during which staff present materials to Commissioners. The Commissioners often ask questions and express opinions during this process. It is important to recognize that the Chair of MedPAC seeks to ensure consensus as much as possible in the final report. Thus, many of the comments made during public meetings are not included in final reports.
The AAA will continue its work with MedPAC as it works to develop the report.

CMS Publishes Two New Reports on GADCS Website

ACE Cost Data Collection Newsletter | May 2024

Submit Your GACDS Data By May 31, 2024

Ground Ambulance Organizations with an NPI identified in the Year 3 and Year 4 CMS GADCS selection lists are expected to submit their data to CMS in 2024. Agencies are expected to submit their data 5 months after the close of their data collection period. For most organizations the data collection period was January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023 with a submission deadline of May 31, 2024.

The GADCS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document contains several examples of data collection periods and submission deadlines. If your organization has an NPI identified in the Year 3 or Year 4 selection list and you have not yet submitted your initial information, you are required to do so via the Palmetto GBA website immediately.

CMS provided a walkthrough of the GADCS system. This video is approximately 2.5 hours long.

5 Tips for Submitting On Time and Avoiding Penalties

  1. Verify your organizations selection year via the lists available on the CMS GADCS website and determine your timeline for collection and submission.
    • If you have not submitted your initial information to CMS, do so immediately via this Palmetto GBA website.
  2. Request access to the CMS GADCS portal so you can submit your data on time and avoid penalty! (This process can take time, do not wait until the last minute!)
    • CMS requires 2 user roles: submitter & certifier. Follow the steps outlined in the CMS GADCS User Guide for successful setup and submission.
  3. Login or request FREE access to Amber, the cost collection tool for EMS & Fire. This web-based tool will help you collect, organize, and verify your data prior to submitting it to CMS.
    • Amber allows organizations to retain a copy of the data submitted
    • Amber provides a PDF export to assist with CMS submission
  4. Engage with your team members. This is bigger than billing and you will need to engage several departments and team members to gather all required cost and revenue information.
  5. If you get stuck, ask for help! Our Cost Collection Experts are on standby, ready to assist you. Email with your question for assistance.
This 20-minute video walks through the updated features and flow of Amber: The Cost Collection Tool for EMS & Fire.
The American Ambulance Association (AAA) has learned that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has started to send notices to ground ambulance providers that missed their deadline to submit cost data under the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS).  The notice indicates that these providers will be subject to a 10% reduction in their Medicare payments for a full calendar year unless they take certain remedial steps.  The good news is that CMS is offering providers that failed to submit their cost data in a timely manner a grace period in which to submit this information and avoid the future payment reduction.

Read the full member advisory on the AAA website.

Copyright © 2024 American Ambulance Association, All rights reserved.

CMS Releases New GADCS Tip Sheet for Rural, Super Rural Services

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new “Reporting for Rural and Super-Rural Organizations Tip Sheet” on February 16, 2024. This guide assists ground ambulance organizations in rural and super-rural areas to meet the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS) requirements.

You can find all of their tip sheets, including those focused on allocation, governmental, and public safety organizations, on the CMS GADCS website.

Services selected as part of the Year 3 and Year 4 list are due to submit their 2023 data to CMS by May 31, 2024, or 5 months after the close of their fiscal year. The AAA offers various resources to help services collect, verify, and submit data on time and avoid penalties. For more information about our resources, including Amber, email

CMS Updates GADCS User Guide | Feb 29 Office Hours

CMS header
Dear Ground Ambulance Providers and Suppliers,

Starting January 1, 2024, selected ground ambulance organizations in Year 3 and Year 4 are required to report cost, utilization, revenue, and other information to CMS. Organizations that fail to report may be subject to a 10 percent payment reduction.

Learn about an updated user guide and upcoming webinar:

Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System: Updated GADCS User Guide

CMS updated the step-by-step Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS) User Guide to include changes that we finalized in the CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule final rule.

More Information:


Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System: Office Hours Session – February 29

Thursday, February 29 from 2–3pm ET

Register for this webinar:

Do you have questions about the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS)? CMS and our contractors will address GADCS-related questions in real-time. While everyone is welcome to participate, this session will be most relevant to selected ground ambulance organizations in Year 3 and Year 4 of the GADCS as they begin reporting data to CMS in 2024.

This session will be divided into 2 topics:

  • 2–2:30pm: GADCS instructions and how to respond to specific questions
  • 2:30–3pm: User accounts, accessing the GADCS portal, and information technology issues

Visit  Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System for resources including:

  • Printable version of the GADCS instrument in English and Spanish
  • Updated GADCS User Guide
  • Tip sheets on reporting and getting access to the GADCS, FAQs, and prior educational sessions
  • Lists of ground ambulance organizations required to participate in Years 1–4

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