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Author: AAA Staff

CMS | National Stakeholder Call with the Administrator

You are invited to join the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, and her leadership team, to hear key updates from her first 100 days in office. The Administrator’s vision is for CMS to serve the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes. We invite you to join us for this first national stakeholder call to learn more about how you can partner with us as we implement our vision.

When:   September 17, 2021 from 12:30 PM ET – 1:00 PM ET


  • CMS Administrator, Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
  • CMS Leadership team

Who should attend: National and local stakeholders and partners

To Join the Call Click Here:

Questions:  We want to hear from you. Questions can be submitted in advance of the webinar by emailing

TODAY | CMS Cost Data Collection System Q&A Session

CMS Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection Q&A Session

Tuesday, September 14 from 2-3 pm ET

CMS is hosting a Q&A session about the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System tomorrow at 2:00pm Eastern.

Do you have questions about the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System? Join this live Q&A session. You may also send questions in advance to with “September 14 Q&A” in the subject line. We’ll update documents on our Ambulances Services Center webpage with answers to common questions from this session.

More Information:

Register for this session


HHS/ASPR Project ECHO COVID-19 Clinical Rounds

From HHS/ASPR – Project ECHO COVID Clinical Rounds

A Peer-to-Peer Virtual Community of Practice

We Are Back!
Thank you for your support in the HHS/ASPR – Project ECHO COVID Clinical Rounds.To sign up for emails regarding upcoming HHS/ASPR COVID-19 sessions, please click here!
You will be redirected to a page that will allow you to opt into an email list serve that will keep you up to date with our weekly sessions. 

Resources from past sessions are below

*Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Centers
Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts)
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation/HHC Bellevue Hospital Center (New York City, New York)
Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, Maryland)
Emory University Hospital and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta/Egleston Children’s Hospital (Atlanta, Georgia)
University of Minnesota Medical Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (Galveston, Texas)
Nebraska Medicine – Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha, Nebraska)
Denver Health Medical Center (Denver, Colorado)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, California)
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children’s Hospital (Spokane, Washington)

AAMC COVID-19 Clinical Guidance Repository:

ASPR’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) Novel Coronavirus Resources:

CDC COVID-19 Resources for Health Care Professionals:

NETEC, the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center:

SCCM COVID-19 Guidelines:

WHO COVID-19 Technical Guidance:

WHO COVID-19 Situation Reports:

Please be mindful of COVID-2019 infection prevention and control, try to limit numbers of people joining this learning session from one gathering place and practice social distancing.
WHO guidance on getting workplaces ready for COVID-2019

Special Sessions

Transitions of Care – August 4
Update on Remdesivir and Dexamethasone – Oct 1
Home Health, EMS, Emergency Department and Critical Care – Oct 29

Monoclonal Antibodies – Dec 3

Crisis Care Update – Dec 10

100th Session – Dec 15

For resources and recordings of earlier sessions, visit the Project ECHO website

COVID-19 Clinical Rounds: Critical Care Resources

Feb 2 – System Level Surge Staffing and Resilience Strategies

Jan 26 – System Level Surge Capacity: Crucial Strategies

For earlier presentations and recordings, please visit the Project ECHO COVID-19 Webpage

COVID-19 Clinical Rounds: Emergency Department Resources

Feb 4 – ED Update

Jan 28 – ED Nursing Update

For earlier presentations and recordings, please visit the Project ECHO COVID-19 Webpage
COVID-19 Clinical Rounds: EMS Resources

Feb 1 – EMS Involvement in Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Programs

Jan 25 – COVID-19 and Riots

For earlier presentations and recordings, please visit the Project ECHO COVID-19 Webpage
Please direct any additional questions or concerns to
C19echo@salud.unm.eduFor help with connecting, please call (505) 750-4897 or email
ECHO is a movement to demonopolize knowledge and amplify the capacity to provide best practice care for underserved people all over the world.

CMS Webinar | Cost Collection Q&A

From CMS

Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection SystemQuestion and Answer Session on September 14, 2021 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET.

To participate in the Q&A session, you must register for the session at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Do you have questions about the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System? We are holding a live Q&A session on September 14, 2021 at 2:00 pm.  Please send questions in advance to with “September 14 Q&A” in the subject line. We will answer your questions that you submitted in advance during the call or participants may also submit live questions in the “chat” box.  In addition, we will update documents on our Ambulances Services Center webpage with answers to common questions from this session.  For more information, including the lists of ground ambulance organizations selected to collect and report information starting in 2022, see the Ambulances Services Center webpage, the CY 2022 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule:, and the CY 2020 Physician Fee Schedule final rule.

Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice Selects Ray Mollers as its Executive Director

National Partner Release, September 1, 2021
From the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice
For Additional Information, Contact:  Dan Manz, Educator,

Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice selects Ray Mollers as its Executive Director

The Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice (ICEMSPP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Ray Mollers as its first Executive Director. Mr. Mollers will be Commission’s principal administrator and responsible for the day-to-day management of the EMS Compact while leading growth, strengthening operations, and increasing collaboration with state and federal EMS officials, partner organizations, and stakeholders.

Ray joins the EMS Compact team after serving as the Director of Stakeholder Partnerships with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). During his time at the National Registry, he managed stakeholder relationships and led the creation of a team responsible for enhancing partnerships, improving collaboration amongst EMS professionals, and increasing communication with stakeholders and State EMS Offices. Prior to the National Registry, he served our nation with 32 years of combined Federal service with the US Army Special Forces and Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Health Affairs.

“Today, over 300,000 EMS personnel in the United States have a multi-state privilege to practice”, said Joseph Schmider, Chairperson of the ICEMSPP Executive Committee. “With over 20 participating states, it was evident that the EMS Compact needed a full time Executive Director. Ray is an accomplished, humble professional. He was involved with the initial conceptual discussions of an EMS Compact a decade ago and has remained a key advocate since. Ray understands the EMS Compact – its purpose and history – and has established relationships with State EMS Offices and other key national partners.”

“I am so honored and excited to carry forward all the hard work done to date and shepherd the EMS Compact into its next chapter,” says Mr. Mollers.

Ray will start his service as the EMS Compact’s Executive Director on September 20, 2021.  Dan Manz, the EMS Compact’s Educator is retiring, but will continue working in that position through the end of 2021 to assure a smooth transition.

For more information visit

Study | EMS education research priorities during COVID-19

From the Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians
Emergency medical services education research priorities during COVID-19: A modified Delphi study
Rebecca E. Cash PhD, MPH, William J. Leggio EdD, Jonathan R. Powell MPA, Kim D. McKenna PhD, Paul Rosenberger EdD, Elliot Carhart EdD, Adrienne Kramer PhD, Juan A. March MD, Ashish R. Panchal MD, PhD, for the Pandemic Educational Effects Task Force


Our objective was to identify research priorities to understand the impact of COVID-19 on initial emergency medical services (EMS) education.


We used a modified Delphi method with an expert panel (n = 15) of EMS stakeholders to develop consensus on the research priorities that are most important and feasible to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on initial EMS education. Data were collected from August 2020 to February 2021 over 5 rounds (3 electronic surveys and 2 live virtual meetings). In Round 1, participants submitted research priorities over 9 specific areas. Responses were thematically analyzed to develop a list of research priorities reviewed in Round 2. In Round 3, participants rated the priorities by importance and feasibility, with a weighted score (2/3*importance+1/3*feasibility) used for preliminary prioritization. In Round 4, participants ranked the priorities. In Round 5, participants provided their agreement or disagreement with the group’s consensus of the top 8 research priorities.


During Rounds 1 and 2, 135 ideas were submitted by the panel, leading to a preliminary list of 27 research priorities after thematic analysis. The top 4 research priorities identified by the expert panel were prehospital internship access, impact of lack of field and clinical experience, student health and safety, and EMS education program availability and accessibility. Consensus was reached with 10/11 (91%) participants in Round 5 agreeing.


The identified research priorities are an important first step to begin evaluating the EMS educational infrastructure, processes, and outcomes that were affected or threatened through the pandemic. | Template Protocol for EMS Administration of Monoclonal Antibodies

From on August 27, 2021

Developed by the NHTSA Office of EMS and HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the template is intended to assist state EMS officials and local EMS systems in developing their own protocols 
he U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued an Emergency Use Authorization to permit the emergency use of REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) co-formulated product, and REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) supplied as individual vials to be administered together, for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adult and pediatric patients (12 years of age and older weighing at least 40 kg) with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing, and who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death. Monoclonal antibodies are used to neutralize the COVID-19 virus and intended to prevent progression of disease. The U.S. Government is currently supplying REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) for the treatment and post-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19. The dosing is the same for both indications (casirivimab 600mg and imdevimab 600mg). The medication can be administered either intravenously (IV) or by subcutaneous (SQ) injection.EMS agencies throughout the country have been asked or may be asked to assist in the administration of this product through either route of administration.

To assist EMS agencies in planning, the NHTSA Office of EMS and HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response have developed a template protocol for state EMS offices and EMS Medical Directors to use to assist in these programs. Some states have created blanket state-level authorizations for EMS administration; some states will still require provider authorization prior to administration. Please follow local protocols and regulations. This template is only designed to facilitate the development of those local protocols as needed. Please contact the NHTSA Office of EMS with any questions.

CMS Releases Medicare COVID-19 Vaccine Data Analysis and PUF

From CMS on August 25, 2021

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released two new resources with information on Medicare beneficiaries on whose behalf at least one fee-for-service (FFS) claim for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine has been submitted to the Medicare program.

First, we released a paper titled Assessing the Completeness of Medicare Claims Data for Measuring COVID-19 Vaccine Administration. This paper presents preliminary findings on the count of individuals ages 65 and older with at least one COVID-19 vaccine administration claim in the Medicare data compared to the count of people 65+ with at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in the data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Using data as of June 4th, 2021, we estimate that CMS received a claim for COVID-19 vaccine administration for roughly half of Medicare beneficiaries who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose as compared to the estimated counts based on adjusted CDC figures (17.5 million out of 36.6 million). As a result, we recommend that the public apply significant caution when analyzing COVID-19 vaccine administration trends using Medicare claims data.

Second, we released the Medicare COVID-19 Vaccine Public Use File (PUF) which presents a high-level and preliminary overview of Medicare utilization and spending information from Medicare FFS claims for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. The PUF shows that between December 11, 2020 and June 30, 2021, Medicare payments for administration of the COVID-19 vaccine were over $1.1 billion.  The PUF is based on Medicare FFS claims CMS received by August 6, 2021.

[Note: The Medicare FFS program is paying for COVID-19 vaccine administration on behalf of MA beneficiaries as well as for FFS beneficiaries receiving COVID-19 vaccinations in 2020 and 2021.]

Read Now

CMS Webinar | Cost Collection Instrument Walk-Through

From CMS

Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System Webinar: Instrument Walkthrough

Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 2:00 PM-3:30 PM ET.

To register for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The slide presentation is available here. (PDF)

During this call, CMS will walk through the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection Instrument section-by-section, focusing on select instructions, data collection guidelines, and common questions and answers. The webinar will also highlight proposed changes to the instrument in the CY 2022 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule:

A question-and-answer session will follow this presentation. You may send questions in advance to with “August 26 Instrument Webinar” in the subject line. We will answer your questions that you submitted in advance during the call or participants may also submit live questions in the “chat” box.

For more information, including ground ambulance organizations that must report, see the Ambulances Services Center webpage, CY 2020 Physician Fee Schedule final rule, and Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018.

Due 9/13 | AAA Board Candidates, Ethics Committee, & Honorary Members

Nominations Due 9/13 for
Board Candidates, Ethics Committee, and Honorary Members

Board Nominations

In accordance with the Bylaws of the American Ambulance Association, it is time to call for members in good standing that wish to serve the association in one of the following positions:

  • Region I Director
    (CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI & VT)
  • Region II Director
    (AL, DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, PA, SC, VA, WV)
  • Region III Director 
    (IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, TN, WI)
  • Region IV Director
    (AR, IA, KS, LA, MN, MO, OK, ND, NE, SD, TX)
  • Region V Director
    (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
  • Ethics Committee Member 
    (Open to all regions)

Due to recent bylaws changes, this year’s election will result in ten new Region Directors, two in each region. The candidate with the most votes in each region will serve a one-time, three-year term and the candidate with the second most votes in each region will serve a one-time, two-year term.

AAA Regional Director Qualifications

Individuals who wish to be considered for an elected position as Regional Director must:

  • Be the designated representative of an Active Member of the AAA, in good standing;
  • Be ready to devote time and effort to matters which concern the Board of Directors and to actively participate in all Board activities;
  • Be prepared to assist other AAA members with concerns and problems which relate to the ambulance industry and the workings of the AAA; and,
  • Understand that these positions provide no compensation for time or reimbursement for expenses. All travel-related expenses, including transportation, lodging, and food are the responsibility of the individual and/or the sponsoring organization.
  • Be willing to comply with all governance policies of the association including, Conflict of Interest, Standards of Conduct, and Board Confidentiality, Public Comment and Lobbying Agreement (PDF).

Regional Director Nomination Process

Step 1: Nomination Form
Step 2: Candidate Questionnaire

Both forms must be completed by the September 13 deadline!

All those who wish to stand for election and believe they are qualified are requested to complete a Nomination Form as well as answer the Candidate Questionnaire, which describes both their qualifications and reasons for wanting to participate in the leadership of the AAA.

(Please note that the Nomination Form may be completed by any designated contact for an AAA Active member for him or herself, or on behalf of another designated contact at a fellow AAA active member service. The Candidate Questionnaire must be completed by the nominee.)

Candidates’ statements and pictures, as well as the position(s) for which they are running, will be listed on the AAA website.

2021 Election Timeline

8/19 | Nominations Open
9/13 | Nominations Close
9/21  | Approval of Candidates by AAA Board of Directors
10/6 | Voting Opens. Election will be paperless. Ballots will be delivered to AAA Active Member primary contacts via email.
10/21 | Voting Closes 11:59pm
11/1 | Election results announced at the AAA membership meeting at the Annual Conference.

About Honorary Membership

AAA accepts written nominations for worthy individuals who have significantly contributed to the accomplishments of the AAA and should therefore be recognized through the granting of Honorary Membership.

About the Ethics Committee

It is the mission of the Ethics Committee to define and distribute guidelines that promote self-imposed high ethical standards for providers of ambulance services. The committee is responsible for hearing complaints and making appropriate recommendations regarding violations of the AAA Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct. Apply to join►

Nominate a Board Candidate

Nominate an Honorary Member

Join the Ethics Committee

Please contact with any questions. | Information About COVID-19 for EMS Systems and Clinicians


Resources include guidance documents, links to the latest from the CDC, and information about vaccine safety and administration

With cases of COVID-19 surging again across the country, EMS clinicians and leaders may once again be responding to increased numbers of PUIs, have questions about handling exposures, and be looking for information about coronavirus vaccines.

The COVID-19 Resources for EMS page continues to provide a number of helpful tools, on topics ranging from crisis standards of care to first responder mental health. The source of each resource is clearly identified, including documents created by the Federal Healthcare Resilience Working Group EMS/Prehospital Team.

The NHTSA Office of EMS once again would like to thank EMS clinicians and our public safety and healthcare colleagues across the country for your dedicated service. What you do is vital to our communities and our nation. We urge you to take steps to ensure the health and safety of you, your patients and your families and protect yourself from COVID-19, stress, and other dangers.

Please contact with questions or comments.

Into the Unknown Documentary to Tell Paramedics’ Stories


Media Contact:

Tonya Mantooth
Executive Producer

Documentary to Tell Paramedics’ Stories

“Into the Unknown: The Paramedics’ Journey,” Produced by “Emergency!” Stars Randy Mantooth and Kevin Tighe, in Pre-Production

LOS ANGELES—The 1970s TV show Emergency! introduced the concept of paramedics to millions of viewers and inspired thousands to become EMS practitioners themselves. Some historians say it launched modern EMS in the U.S.

Now the two stars of the show are coproducing a documentary to tell the story of today’s paramedic—following a pandemic that strained our healthcare system and revealed the critical role paramedics play in caring for their communities.

“My life was saved by two firefighter paramedics,” said Randy Mantooth, who played Johnny Gage in the Emergency! series. “My sister’s life was saved by a paramedic and a flight nurse. They literally gave us our lives back, and yet I don’t even know their names.”

“Overworked, sometimes overlooked, and nearly always taken for granted, paramedics are real-world heroes,” Mantooth said. “My hope is that Into the Unknown will provide the public with an understanding of and appreciation for the critical role these individuals play.”

“Paramedics have to deal with unending fatigue and stress,” said Kevin Tighe, who played Roy Desoto in the series. “This is a topic we have to explore not only on the job but also at home. We have to face it and also show how it can be successfully overcome.”

FirstNet, Built with AT&T* is the principal sponsor of the project, which will realistically depict the lives and jobs of half a dozen paramedic crews around the nation. Additional sponsors supporting the documentary’s production include Masimo and ZOLL Medical Corporation.

EMS World is a media partner of the project.

“This project brings awareness of the vital role EMS plays and highlights the very real impacts to the personal health and wellness of these individuals,” said Lynnée Hopson, assistant vice president, FirstNet Marketing at AT&T. AT&T holds the federal contract to build and maintain FirstNet.

“Stories like these are why we’re committed to supporting FirstNet. And it’s one of the reasons we launched the FirstNet Health and Wellness Program. Paramedics—and all the first responders they represent—need our support as they face daunting challenges in delivering care in every situation imaginable.”

The project has an advisory board made up of 18 key industry leaders and is endorsed by 20 of the major national EMS organizations, representing almost 2 million members. Baxter Larmon, PhD, a nationally recognized EMS educator/researcher and professor of emergency medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, serves on the executive committee for Into the Unknown.

“Throughout my four-decade career and in my travel and interactions with every type of stakeholder in the EMS profession, I’ve found they all have one thing in common,” Larmon said. “They believe the U.S. public doesn’t understand what EMS is about and what paramedics do day to day, one patient at a time, to make sure they are cared for, safe, and end up where they belong.

“Whether it’s a senior who has fallen, a teenager who has overdosed, a middle-age woman in cardiac arrest, or the victim of a severe car crash,” he continued, “these are people often facing the worst days of their lives—we’re there to help. This documentary will go a long way in ensuring that the public understands who we are, what we do, and why we matter.”

In additional to Larmon, the executive team includes executive producer Tonya Mantooth, sister to Randy Mantooth, a 10-time Regional Emmy award winner, and Steve Martin, assistant fire chief (retired), Los Angeles County Fire Department.

Find out more about the documentary, the advisory committee, and the organizations supporting it at You can also sign up to get regular updates on the progress of the documentary and behind-the-scenes stories and footage.

ITU Doc LLC is dedicated to telling the stories of today’s paramedics through documentary film. It has an advisory board made up of 18 key industry leaders and has been endorsed by 20 major national EMS organizations, representing almost 2 million members nationwide. Learn more about the project at

CMS Open Door Forum | Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System

August 12, 2021 Ambulance Open Door Forum

August 12, 2021 | 14:00–15:30 ET

Slide presentation on the Overview of the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (PDF) is now available.

The next CMS Ambulance Open Door Forum scheduled for:
Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Start Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm PM Eastern Time (ET);
Please dial-in at least 15 minutes before call start time.
Conference Leaders: Jill Darling, Maria Durham


**This Agenda is Subject to Change**

I. Opening Remarks
Chair- Maria Durham, Director, Division of Data Analysis and Market-based Pricing
Moderator – Jill Darling (Office of Communications)

II. Announcements & Updates

  • Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Model Update
    • ET3 Model Website:
      • for inquiries
      • ET3 Model Listserv for Model updates:


Overview of the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection
 A copy of the presentation will be available on the
Ambulances Services Center website under
III. Open Q&A

Next Ambulance Open Door Forum: TBA
ODF email:
This Open Door Forum is open to everyone, but if you are a member of the Press, you may listen in but please refrain from asking questions during the Q & A portion of the call. If you have inquiries, please contact CMS at Thank you.

Open Door Participation Instructions

This call will be Conference Call Only.

To participate by phone:
August 12, 2021 | 14:00–15:30 ET | Dial: 1-888-455-1397 & Reference Conference Passcode: 8604468
Persons participating by phone do not need to RSVP. TTY Communications Relay
Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

Instant Replay

1-866-470-7051; Conference Passcode: No Passcode needed
Instant Replay is an audio recording of this call that can be accessed by dialing 1-
866-470-7051 and entering the Conference Passcode beginning 1 hours after the
call has ended. The recording is available until August 14, 2021, 11:59PM ET.

For ODF schedule updates and E-Mailing List registration, visit our website at

Were you unable to attend the recent Ambulance ODF call? We encourage you to visit our CMS Podcasts and Transcript webpage where you can listen and view the most recent Ambulance ODF call. Please allow up to three weeks to get both the
audio and transcript posted to:


Rest in Peace, Jacob Dindinger

From Global Medical Response

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that Jacob’s family made the decision to remove him from life support. This decision did not come easy; it came after many tests and conversations and much consideration to his condition. Jacob fought hard, but unfortunately the injuries he sustained were so damaging, he was not able to survive them.

Jacob made such a big impact in our community with each interaction he had. He was dedicated and driven to succeed and continually looking for his next accomplishment. To Jacob, failure was a setback, but it didn’t stop him from working harder to succeed. His family meant everything to him, and the smiles we have seen in recent photos show the love he had for his family and friends. He made an even bigger impact on our family here at AMR and we feel like we are all better people after being touched by Jacob and his family.

These past two weeks have been difficult for the entire GMR family. We appreciate all the support you have given to our local teams as well as the family. CISM teams have been working in Arizona to help our teams there, and GMR Life teams have been offering support across all our operations. I encourage you to reach out to them and to our HR teams, and to use EAP resources.

When final arrangements have been made, we will notify our local teams.

If you would like to help the family, a Go Fund Me account has been established.

Thank you,

Glenn Kasprzyk, Southwest Region President
Jackie Evans, Regional Director
Global Medical Response

Monkeypox & COVID-19 Resources for EMS Clinicians

From EMS.Gov

Monkeypox Resources for EMS Clinicians

The arrival of an individual in the United States who was diagnosed with monkeypox, as well as the uptick in COVID-19 cases, are reminders that EMS clinicians must remain vigilant and prepared. The CDC is conducting contact tracing of the monkeypox case and local public health departments have been notified, and it is unlikely that EMS clinicians will be exposed to the monkeypox virus is low. However, reviewing information about the disease may still be helpful.

Click here to access information compiled by the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center to help inform EMS clinicians about monkeypox.

COVID-19 Resources for EMS

Low vaccination rates, the highly contagious delta variant, and increased social interaction has caused significant increases in rates of COVID-19 and related hospitalizations in many communities around the nation. The NHTSA Office of EMS continues to make resources available to help EMS clinicians, organizations and regulators safely maintain operations during the pandemic. Those resources are available on the COVID-19 Resources Page.

NHTSA | Office of EMS Director Jon Krohmer, MD, to Retire

NHTSA Office of EMS Director Jon Krohmer, MD, to Retire Later this Year

After 15 years of federal service, including the last five leading the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Office of EMS, Jon Krohmer, MD, will be retiring in November.

During his tenure as director, Dr. Krohmer and the NHTSA Office of EMS team oversaw a number of milestones for the profession, including the creation of EMS Agenda 2050; major revisions to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model and the National EMS Education Standards; and improvements in the collection and use of EMS data through the expansion of the National EMS Information System. Soon after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Krohmer was tapped to lead the prehospital/911 team as part of the Federal Healthcare Resilience Task Force.

“Dr. Krohmer’s tenure at NHTSA—especially over the last year and a half as EMS clinicians have faced one of the greatest public health challenges in generations—has been marked by real advances for the profession, thanks in no small part to his leadership,” said Nanda Srinivasan, NHTSA’s associate administrator for research and program development. “He was a true advocate at the federal level for state, tribal and local EMS systems, EMS clinicians, and patients.”

Prior to joining NHTSA, Dr. Krohmer had decades of experience as a local EMS medical director, initially in his home state of Michigan. His EMS career began as an EMT with a volunteer rescue squad. Like many EMS professionals, he was inspired by the television show Emergency! and by the emergence of the relatively new field of emergency medicine. He entered medical school at the University of Michigan knowing he wanted to make EMS his career. After becoming involved in EMS at the state and national level, he also served as president of the National Association of EMS Physicians from 1998 to 2000. In 2006, he came to Washington to serve as the first deputy chief medical officer for the Department of Homeland Security Office of Health Affairs and served in several other DHS roles before joining NHTSA in 2016.

“Working alongside EMS clinicians and the people who support them at local, state and national levels has been a privilege and a heck of a lot of fun,” said Dr. Krohmer. “The decision to leave NHTSA was difficult, but it’s made easier knowing that the team in the Office of EMS, our colleagues throughout the federal government, and leaders of EMS at state and local levels are committed to improving the lives of people in their communities and will continue to advance EMS systems everywhere.”

NHTSA will launch a national search for a new director for the Office of EMS.

“The example set by Dr. Krohmer will serve as a great model for the next director,” said Associate Administrator Srinivasan, “and the team of dedicated public servants at the Office of EMS has the experience and expertise to ensure a smooth transition.”

EICC Pediatric Emergency Champion Program

From the Emergency Medical Services for Children Innovation and Improvement Center

September 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022


This collaborative will develop individuals who are interested in improving the quality of pediatric care at your EMS agency, ED/hospital, or within your region. We will provide resources, example practices and networking opportunities at no cost to help push forward any effort for pediatric improvement.

What is a PECC?

A Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC)–sometimes referred to as a pediatric champion or pediatric liaison–is a term that the EMSC program uses to refer to any individual who has a particular interest in or responsibilities related to pediatric emergency care. Sometimes this individual is dedicated solely to this role. However, depending on the pediatric volume of the EMS agency or hospital, this person may take on the PECC duties in addition to other responsibilities (e.g., educator, trauma coordinator, etc.). Various roles and responsibilities are often given to a PECC but common responsibilities include ensuring the availability of pediatric equipment, supplies and medications, pediatric education/training and advocating for pediatric considerations to be included in protocol/policy development.

Who should participate

Anyone that is interested in improving pediatric readiness within your EMS agency, ED/hospital, or within your region, to include EMSC State Partnership Programs. You do NOT need to have any formal pediatric training, or a title related to pediatric care. You already have everything you need to participate…an interest in pediatric emergency care

Why join?

We know that the presence of an individual with an interest in pediatric emergency care is strongly correlated with improved outcomes for children. No effort to improve pediatric emergency care is too small to make an impact. This collaborative will have a broad scope. No matter where your starting point is, we will provide you with tools to improve. There is no cost to participate, and you will have the opportunity to earn continuing education or Maintenance of Certification Part 4 credit. Learn more…

How it works

The collaborative will occur in two parts. During the first half, we will explore seven pediatric readiness areas of focus, evaluate your agency or ED/hospital level of pediatric readiness, and identify areas for improvement. In the second half, we provide coaching and tools to help you develop an improvement project. Learn more…


All collaborative activates will be conducted online and through virtual meetings.

Learn More

Study | Increasing Pediatric Care Coordination and Psychomotor Skills Evaluation

Thank you to Dr. John Russell of Cape County Private Ambulance for sharing this resource.

Ready for Children Part II: Increasing Pediatric Care Coordination and Psychomotor Skills Evaluation in the Prehospital Setting

Hilary A. Hewes, Andrea L. Genovesi, Rachel Codden, Michael Ely, Lorah Ludwig, Charles G. Macias, Patricia Schmuhl & Lenora M. Olson (2021) Ready for Children Part II: Increasing Pediatric Care Coordination and Psychomotor Skills Evaluation in the Prehospital Setting, Prehospital Emergency Care, DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2021.1942340


Objectives: Treating pediatric patients often invokes discomfort and anxiety among emergency medical service (EMS) personnel. As part of the process to improve pediatric care in the prehospital system, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Emergency Services for Children (EMSC) Program implemented two prehospital performance measures -access to a designated pediatric care coordinator (PECC) and skill evaluation using pediatric equipment-along with a multi-year plan to aid states in achieving the measures. Baseline data from a survey conducted in 2017 showed that less than 25% of EMS agencies had access to PECC and 47% performed skills evaluation using pediatric equipment at least twice a year. To evaluate change over time, the survey was again conducted in 2020, and agencies that participated in both years are compared.

Methods: A web-based survey was sent to EMS agency administrators in 58 states and territories from January to March 2020. Descriptive statistics, odds ratios, and 95% confidence intervals were conducted.

Results: The response rate was 56%. A total of 5,221 agencies participated in both survey periods representing over 250,000 providers. The percentage of agencies reporting the presence of a PECC increased from 24% to 34% (p= <0.001). However, some agencies reported that they no longer had a PECC, while others reported having a PECC for the first time. Fifty percent (50%) of agencies conduct pediatric psychomotor skills evaluation at least twice/year, a 2% increase over time (p = 0.041); however, a third (34%) evaluate skills using pediatric equipment less than once a year. The presence of a PECC continues to be the variable associated with the highest odds (AOR 2.15, 95% CI 1.91–2.43) of conducting at least semiannual skills evaluation.

Conclusions: There is an increase in the presence of pediatric care coordination and the frequency of pediatric psychomotor skills evaluation among national EMS agencies over time. Continued efforts to increase and sustain PECC presence should be an ongoing focus to improve pediatric readiness in the prehospital system.

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