COVID-19 Resources
The American Ambulance Association is here to support mobile healthcare providers throughout the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Operational and Clinical Resources
EMS providers serve on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Ambulance Association is here to help!
Other Resources
PPE & Supplies
We are all aware of the challenges of obtaining personal protective equipment (PPE) during this pandemic. We hope this information will help address concerns and clarify the replenishment request process. The current shortage applies to all health care disciplines – the challenges you are experiencing are being felt by your peers. We are working very hard to address the challenges through ramped up production and distribution as resources become available.
Guidance and Optimization
- Weekly PPE Shortage Survey (Joint Effort with IAFC)
- PPE Shortage & EMS Exposure Dashboard
- Mask Guidance: DOL OSHA | NIOSH
- N95 Decontamination Using UV Light
- PPE Burn Rate Calculator
- FEMA Advisory | Supply Chain Stabilization
Vendors and Retailers
Financial Aid/Sustainability
We recognize the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant financial strain for many mobile healthcare providers. With multiple stimulus packages signed into law and possibly more on the way, the AAA has compiled available resources for healthcare workers below:
Stimulus Aid Overview
- Provider Relief Fund FAQ
- All facilities and providers that received Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursements in 2019 are eligible for this initial rapid distribution.
- If you ceased operation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you are still eligible to receive funds so long as you provided diagnoses, testing, or care for individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19. Care does not have to be specific to treating COVID-19. HHS broadly views every patient as a possible case of COVID-19.
- If you have not yet received your CARES Act direct deposit as described here, there is now a hotline to check the status. Please call 866-569-3522 and have your tax ID# and the name of your ambulance service as registered with PECOS. According to HHS, all Medicare providers and suppliers should receive their deposit by April 17.
- The AAA has created a CARES Act Provider Relief Calculator that you can use to estimate your initial relief payment. USE DOWNLOADABLE EXCEL CALCULATOR►
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application
- Loans up to $2,000,000 to provide economic relief to businesses currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue due to federally declared disaster.
- Used to pay for:
- Fixed debts,
- Cover payroll,
- Accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of COVID-19’s impact.
Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program
- Provides loans a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll.
- Loans may be used to finance payroll costs, employee benefit costs, rent and utility payments, interest payments on debt instruments incurred prior to February 15, 2020, and certain other expenses.
FEMA Cost Recovery for EMS (private entities must apply though their governmental partners)
- General eligibility considerations for emergency protective measures apply to all claimed work and associated costs. FEMA assistance will be provided at a 75% federal cost-share and may not duplicate assistance provided by other federal agencies.
- FEMA Public Assistance Fact Sheet
Tax Credits
- Employer Retention Credit
- The credit is available to all employers regardless of size including tax-exempt organizations. There are only two exceptions:
- State and local governments and their instrumentalities
- Providers who take Small Business Loans
- The credit is available to all employers regardless of size including tax-exempt organizations. There are only two exceptions:
- Payroll Tax Deferral
- Allows employers to defer payment of the employer’s portion of FICA taxes for a period of up to 2 years.
- Begins on March 31, 2020, and runs through January 1, 2021.
- The payroll tax deferral program is not available to any entity that qualifies for the forgiveness of any portion of an SBA loan made under the Paycheck Protection Program.
- Employer Retention Credit
Other Grants
State-Level Grants and Financial Resources:
- Arkansas Resources for Small Business (Non-Governmental Site)
- Alabama Department of Revenue COVID Relief
- California Businesses
- Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program
- Florida Disaster Loans
- Illinois State Treasurers Office Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program
- Idaho Business Resources
- Iowa Economic Development COVID-19: Iowa Business Recovery Assistance
- Louisiana Economic Development COVID-19 Hotline
- Maine Department of Economic and Community
- Massachusetts COVID-19 Resources and Guidance for Businesses
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Mississippi
- Maryland Department of Commerce – Maryland COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Programs for Businesses
- Nebraska Department of Economic Development DED COVID-19 Information
- New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce
- New Mexico Business Resources
- New York Empire State Development Novel Coronavirus FAQ for Business
- Minnesota Department of Revenue
- New York State Department of Financial Services -The Novel Coronavirus and Business Interruption Insurance – FAQs
- North Carolina Business Relief Resources – COVID-19
- Ohio Department of Health Business Resources
- Oklahoma Department of Commerce COVID Resources
- Pennsylvania COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program (CWCA)
- Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development COVID-19 Small Business Resources
- Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development Small Business Assistance
- Vermont COVID-19 Guidance for Vermont Businesses
- Virginia Coronavirus (COVID-19) In Virginia
- Washington State Department of Revenue Business Relief During COVID-19 Pandemic
- West Virginia Development Office COVID-19 Business Relief Resources
- Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation COVID-19 Business Resources
- The State of Wyoming’s Economic Development Agency COVID Resources
Business Interruption Insurance:
- NYC Small Business Services Assistance & Guidance for Businesses Impacted Due to Novel Coronavirus
- New Hampshire Department of Insurance – FAQ about Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19
- Denver Economic Relief Packages
- Chicago Small Business Relief Packages
- Birmingham Strong Emergency Loan Fund
- New York City Financial Assistance for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
- Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund
- Sacramento Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Loan Program
- Salt Lake City’s Emergency Loan Program
- San Diego Economic Relief Fund
- Seattle Business Stabilization Fund
- Syracuse COVID-19 Emergency Relief Program for Small Business
Help with COVID-19 Operations & HR Questions
EMS employers are facing numerous challenges surrounding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). During these unprecedented times, many employment and human resources challenges or questions arise which most of our EMS leaders have never faced previously.
American Ambulance Association (AAA) members can have their human resources or operations questions addressed specifically. Please submit this form for email assistance from Scott Moore, Esq, the Association’s trusted expert.
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Summary of Temporary Final Regulations
- Paid Family Leave
- SHRM CARES Act Changes Health, Retirement and Student Loan Benefits
- COVID-19 Healthcare Worker Wellbeing (Organizational Perspective)
- OSHA Guidance – Preparing workplace for COVID-19
- OCR Guidance on COVID-19 and HIPAA Disclosures
- COVID-19 NREMT Certification Information
- Wellbeing for Healthcare Providers during COVID-19
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
- Technical Resources from HHS ASPR
- FFCRA Paid Leave Toolkit
Resources for Medics & Employees
The most important resource for any ambulance service provider is its medics and employees. Your wellbeing is paramount to the AAA, and we have compiled the following resources to support you during these uncertain times.
AAA COVID-19 Advocacy
The American Ambulance Association has worked diligently to achieve many legislative and regulatory wins for the industry during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Thanks to AAA board, volunteer leaders, and members alike, we were able to accomplish many of our goals to improve payment and overall regulations that will benefit AAA members and the industry as a whole.
Letters to Administration and Congress
- AAA Sends Letter Requesting Priority Testing for EMS
- AAA/NAEMT Request PSOB Coverage for All Medics During COVID-19
- AAA Sends Letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin on Paycheck Protection Program
- AAA Sends Letter to HHS on COVID-19 Response
- Senate Passes Economic Stimulus Package Several Provisions Help Ambulance Services!
- HEROES Act – Tax Free Income for Paramedics and EMTs
- AAA Pushing Ambulance COVID-19 Relief
- AAA Sends Letter to CMS on COVID-19 Response
CMS COVID-19 Regulations and Waivers
- 2% Payment Adjustment Suspended (Sequestration)
- CMS Accelerated Payment Program Highlights
- CMS Waives Restrictions on Ground Ambulances During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Understanding Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Coverage of Ambulance Services under a Declared National State of Emergency
Social Media Campaigns and Press