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House Reintroduces Vital Medicare Extender and EMS Workforce Bills

Medicare Ambulance Extender Bill Introduced in House

Yesterday, March 18, Representatives Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Terry Sewell (D-AL), Cliff Bentz (R-OR), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Mike Carey (R-OH), Danny Davis (D-IL), Carol Miller (R-WV) and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) reintroduced the Protecting Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act (H.R. 2232). This legislation would extend the temporary Medicare ambulance add-on payments at their current levels of 2% urban, 3% rural and 22.6% super rural until January 1, 2028.
The AAA and our partners at the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and National Rural Health Association (NRHA) have spearheaded efforts to extend and increase the levels of the Medicare ambulance add-on payments. We expect to see a Senate bill with the higher levels of 3.4% urban, 4.3% rural and 26.7% super rural introduced in the near future.

EMS Workforce Shortage Bill Introduced in House

Additionally, yesterday Representatives Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA), Brad Finstad (R-MN), Randy Feenstra (R-IA), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Michael Lawler (R-NY), Josh Harder (D-CA) reintroduced the Preserve Access to Rapid Ambulance Emergency Medical Treatment Act (PARA-EMT Act). H.R. 2220 would provide funding for grants to help recruit and train paramedics and EMTs, reduce barriers that prevent veteran medics transitioning to civilian paramedics and EMTs, and request the Secretary of Labor to conduct a study on the EMS workforce shortage and report their findings.
The legislation is supported by the AAA, NAEMT and NRHA. A copy of the press release on the introduction of H.R. 2220 can be found here.

Congress Extends Ambulance Add-On Payments Through September 30

Yesterday evening, March 14, the United States Senate by a vote of 54 to 46 passed the Full-Year Continuining Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 (H.R. 1968) to fund the federal government through the end of the 2025 fiscal year ending September 30. An extension of the current levels of the temporary Medicare ambulance add-on payments was included in H.R. 1968 with an expiration date of also September 30. President Trump is expected to sign H.R. 1968 into law shortly.

The AAA, our champions and supporters on Capitol Hill, and EMS partner organizations fought hard to ensure the ambulance extension was included in the lean bill of just 99 pages. We greatly appreciate the outreach by the AAA membership and state EMS associations to their members of Congress in support of the extension of the ambulance add-on payments. The AAA will continue to advocate for a long-term extension of the add-on payments at the higher levels of 3.4% urban, 4.3% rural and 26.7% super rural.

Revised versions of the Protecting Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act with a long-term extension of the add-on payments, and at the higher levels in the Senate bill, will be reintroduced in the near future. Once introduced, we will be launching a new Call To Action asking you to contact your members of Congress to cosponsor the legislation

31 State Ambulance Associations Request Support of EMS Supplemental Payments

March 7, 2025

The Honorable Brett Guthrie
Committee on Energy and Commerce
United States House of Representatives
2161 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Buddy Carter
Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health
United States House of Representatives
2432 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr.
Ranking Member
Committee on Energy and Commerce
United States House of Representatives
2107 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Dianna DeGette
Ranking Member
Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
United States House of Representatives
2111 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Re: Medicaid Supplemental Payments for Ground Ambulance Services

Dear Chair Guthrie, Ranking Member Pallone, Chair Carter, and Ranking Member DeGette,

On behalf of 31 state ambulance and emergency medical services (EMS) associations, we ask for your continued support for Medicaid supplemental payment programs that provide critical support to EMS providers.

Ambulance service providers face financial pressures and risk closure at an alarming rate in every state. In rural communities in particular, EMS providers are often the only healthcare providers delivering care for hundreds of miles. Medicaid supplemental payment programs offer transparent and sustainable ways to support first responders, allowing them to continue providing life-saving services, train paramedics, and ensure our rural communities are not left without care.

The most at-risk ambulance service providers—those serving rural communities—face unique challenges including large coverage areas, increased travel distances, and higher costs per transport. Adequate support for staffing, training, and equipment is already a major challenge. Medicaid supplemental payment programs focus on improving rural access to care by driving dedicated resources to those communities.

We are deeply concerned by recent proposals that would severely reduce critical Medicaid reimbursement by reducing provider assessments and mandating the use of artificial caps on supplemental payments that would prevent rates from covering costs.

EMS and ambulance service providers, rural hospitals, and safety-net health clinics will close without continued funding that Medicaid supplemental payment funds provide.

Our ambulance associations are eager to collaborate with the Congress and the Administration on solutions that sustain Medicaid financing and ensure ambulance service providers continue to meet the needs of their communities. We appreciate the opportunity to engage in further discussion and provide data on how these programs directly affect each of our states.



Alabama Association of Ambulance Services

Arkansas Ambulance Association

California Ambulance Association

EMS Association of Colorado

Georgia Ambulance Providers Association

Kentucky Ambulance Providers Association

Louisiana Ambulance Alliance

Massachusetts Ambulance Association

Michigan Association of Ambulance Services

Minnesota Ambulance Association

Mississippi Ambulance Alliance

Missouri Ambulance Association

Montana Ambulance Association

Nevada Ambulance Association

New Hampshire Ambulance Association

Medical Transportation Association of New Jersey

United New York Ambulance Network

Ohio Ambulance & Medical Transportation Association

Oklahoma Ambulance Association

Oregon State Ambulance Association

Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania

South Carolina EMS Association

Tennessee Ambulance Service Association

Texas Ambulance Association

Texas EMS Alliance

Vermont Ambulance Association

Virginia Ambulance Association

Washington Ambulance Association

West Virginia EMS Coalition

Professional Ambulance Association of Wisconsin

Wyoming EMS Association

Member Advisory: MedPac to Discuss Ground Ambulance Data

On Thursday, March 6, the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC) will hold the first of several Commission discussions related to the statutorily mandated report to review ground ambulance payment policy in light of the Ground Ambulance Data Collection System. The AAA has already met with MedPAC staff and will also provide a summary of the meeting. Given that CMS will likely publish the second data collection period report at the end of 2025, we anticipate that the MedPAC report will be published in its June 2026 report.
The MedPAC process involves a series of public meetings during which staff present materials to Commissioners. The Commissioners often ask questions and express opinions during this process. It is important to recognize that the Chair of MedPAC seeks to ensure consensus as much as possible in the final report. Thus, many of the comments made during public meetings are not included in final reports.
The AAA will continue its work with MedPAC as it works to develop the report.

AAA Releases 2025 Medicare Rate Calculator

On December 23, 2024, CMS posted a revised version of the CY 2025 Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use Files on its website.  These files contain the Medicare allowed amounts for the various levels of ambulance service and mileage.  The file is organized by state, and by payment locality within each state.  The 2025 Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use File can be viewed by clicking here.

Unfortunately, CMS has elected in recent years to release its Public Use Files without state and payment locality headings.  As a result, in order to look up the rates in your service area, you would need to know the CMS contract number assigned to your state.  This is not something the typical ambulance service would necessarily have on hand.  For this reason, the AAA has created a reformatted version of the CMS Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule, which includes the state and payment locality headings.  Members can access this reformatted fee schedule below.

The American Ambulance Association is also pleased to announce the release of its 2025 Medicare Rate Calculator tool.  The AAA believes this is a valuable tool that can assist members in budgeting for the current year.  This calculator has been updated to account for recent changes in Medicare policies, including the 2025 Ambulance Inflation Factor and the extension of the temporary adjustments for ground ambulance services (i.e., 2% urban, 3% rural, and super rural bonus) through March 31, 2025.  This extension was the result of Section 3203 of the American Relief Act, 2025.  Barring further legislation, these temporary adjustments will expire on March 31, 2025.

Note on Medicare Sequestration: Both the Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use Files and the AAA Medicare Rate Calculator display the current Medicare allowables.  Neither takes into account the impact of so-called “budget sequestration” on Medicare payments.  By law, the sequester requires Medicare contractors (and Medicare Advantage insurers) to reduce the amounts they pay under the Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule by 2% (i.e., 2% off the 80% of the Medicare allowable typically paid by the Medicare contractor).



2025 Medicaid Rate Survey Released

The American Ambulance Association is pleased to release its 2025 State Medicaid Rate Survey.  This survey sets forth the fee-for-service Medicaid rates for all 50 states.  For each state, the Survey lists the rate paid for each of the following procedure codes:

  • A0428 – BLS Non-Emergency
  • A0429 – BLS Emergency
  • A0426 – ALS Non-Emergency
  • A0427 – ALS Emergency
  • A0433 – ALS-2
  • A0434 – SCT
  • A0225 – Neonate Transport
  • A0998 – Treatment, No Transport
  • A0425 – Mileage
  • A0422 – Oxygen
  • A0382/A0398 – BLS/ALS Routine Disposable Supplies
  • A0420 – Wait Time
  • A0424 – Extra Attendant

The rates set out in this survey are based on publicly available information provided by the various state Medicaid agencies.  While the AAA has taken steps to verify the accuracy of the information on this Survey, it is possible that the rates provided in the Survey may not reflect changes to a state’s reimbursement policies that have not been made publicly available.  These rates may also not reflect any emergency budgetary measures or other temporary reductions imposed by a state.

The AAA’s goal is to make this survey as accurate as possible.  Therefore, if you believe the rates for your state are inaccurate, please contact for assistance.

Download From the AAA Store

The survey is free to AAA members.


Whitepaper | State-Level Ambulance Balance Billing Overview

The American Ambulance Association (AAA) is pleased to announce the release of its new state-level whitepaper, Ground Ambulance Balance Billing: Overview and Recommendations. Developed by a collaborative team of industry experts, this comprehensive resource provides an in-depth examination of the complex regulatory landscape surrounding ground ambulance billing and the ongoing challenges of keeping consumers out of the middle of payment disputes. The whitepaper offers an overview of existing state laws, gaps in current policy, and pragmatic recommendations—including standardized payment methods and consumer protections—that can inform both policymakers and EMS providers nationwide.

By sharing promising practices from around the country and highlighting the recent work of the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee, Ground Ambulance Balance Billing: Overview and Recommendations underscores the AAA’s commitment to safeguarding patients while supporting fair, sustainable reimbursement for ambulance services. We encourage all EMS stakeholders, insurers, and legislators to review this important paper and join us in shaping policies that protect patients and ensure the ongoing availability of these vital, life-saving services.

Download in the AAA Store

(Free to AAA members. $1000 list.)

A Message from AAA President Jamie Pafford-Gresham

Happy New Year from Our New Association President


Dear Fellow Members,

I am saddened to begin the New Year with such grim and shocking news from Louisiana and New York. I am sickened and heartbroken—as I know you are—by the terror attack that struck New Orleans this weekend as well as the mass shooting in the Bronx. Our hearts ache for the victims and all those whose lives have been shattered by these senseless acts of violence. We also offer our deepest gratitude to our fellow first responders who selflessly rushed toward danger to provide skilled care and comfort in the midst of these tragedies. May their example galvanize us as we work in concert in support of EMS.

Despite these tragedies, as we ring in 2025, I am excited to begin my two-year term as the president of the AAA. I am deeply honored and humbled by the outpouring of support I have received as we begin this 24-month journey together.

I say TOGETHER because this is about US and OUR profession, and I don’t plan to do this alone. I need your participation as we move forward to ensure the best outcomes for all of us in emergency medical services.

Decades ago, when I began working in the business office (which was the kitchen) of what was then my parents’ small Arkansas ambulance service, I never imagined that one day our family of Pafford companies would care for communities in four states, nor that I would have the opportunity to serve my EMS colleagues on the American Ambulance Association board.

I’d like to thank the outgoing AAA President, my friend, Randy Strozyk, for his hard work and leadership. Randy’s dedication over the past two years has enhanced unity and camaraderie among our leaders, members, and fellow EMS stakeholder organizations. I applaud his efforts and those of the larger board, committee chairs, and vice chairs. I am privileged to continue working with this extraordinary group of mobile healthcare professionals.

Too often, EMS—especially private EMS—feels like an unappreciated and misunderstood underdog. 2025 presents an opportunity to change that narrative. One of my cardinal rules at Pafford EMS is, “no whining allowed,” and another is if you complain about a challenge, be prepared to bring forth a proposed solution at the same time. We each know the incredible value we bring to our communities and patients. Together, our voices will be heard in Washington as we share data and stories highlighting the impact of the 24/7 on-demand mobile healthcare we provide.

I hope to approach my AAA presidency with the same sense of urgency with which we treat our patients. As a profession, we can work side-by-side to quickly and effectively secure the extension of the Medicare add-ons beyond the current March 31 expiration date, then collaborate on advancing additional key priorities including sustainable reimbursement, innovative payment models, and solutions to EMS’s challenging workforce shortage.

To accomplish these shared goals, we ask that AAA members treat our advocacy efforts with the same care, grit, and tenacity we demonstrate in our communities every day. On behalf of the board, I ask that you please respond quickly to requests from our government affairs team to write letters or to set meetings with members of Congress. AAA’s grasstops relationships are sterling and have helped the association punch above its weight for decades. However, I believe all politics are local and you are the secret sauce in our success!  Grassroots efforts rule the day in transitional times like these when every interest group is competing for dollars and attention. Nothing is guaranteed—we quite literally cannot advance ambulance advocacy without the active cooperation of every AAA member organization.

In addition to supporting you through lobbying, AAA proudly offers outstanding member educational opportunities. Learning and networking abound at the 2025 AAA Annual Conference & Trade Show. We can’t wait to see you—and a thousand of our mutual colleagues—in beautiful Lexington, Kentucky June 22–24. Speaker proposals are due January 31, and the full agenda will be announced in February. However, please don’t hesitate to register for the conference and book your hotel room today. From reimbursement to operations to human resources, AAA 2025 will offer informative, engaging executive-level content to help you keep service rolling. Additionally, thanks to the support of our exhibitors and sponsors, this year’s event will have fun extras including a welcome reception the night before the conference, trade show special events, and entertaining optional outings to visit Lexington’s famous racehorses and distilleries. You don’t want to miss it as we will roll out our southern hospitality and have a great time!

We also look forward to honoring the 2025 class of Stars of Life in Washington, DC November 3–5. Nominations will open in late summer for this year’s cohort of exemplary EMS professionals. We hope that your ambulance service will join AAA in celebrating your hometown heroes in our nation’s capital.

If you have not yet renewed your AAA membership for 2025, I encourage you to do so immediately—your dues power our ability to drive the policy that sustains EMS. As a friendly reminder, your membership includes complimentary access to dozens of webinars and e-books—log in to our website any time for on-demand education from Scott Moore, Brian Werfel, and countless volunteer leaders. Members also receive deep discounts on everything from medical supplies to uniforms to ambulances through Savvik Buying Group. Additionally, we are proud to support your team with counselor matching services and on-site critical incident stress management should the need arise. New for this year, the AAA mentorship match program will offer an exciting career development opportunity for staff of all levels. AAA delivers these resources and many others as part of a comprehensive member benefits package that we are confident pays for itself many times over. (If you need help updating your contact details or accessing your benefits, please contact for assistance.)

Those of you I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in person know that state ambulance advocacy is a personal passion of mine. In the course of operating Pafford Medical Services, I have seen firsthand many times how strong state associations drive enhanced revenue for EMS as well as add might to state and federal lobbying efforts. If you are not yet connected to your state ambulance association, I encourage you to reach out today. For our part, AAA will continue to support state-level boards with resources, research, events, and connection opportunities through our State Association Forum network and State Association Leadership Excellence conference.

Last, but not least, I wanted to share with you that the board has initiated a strategic planning process for the association to ensure that AAA is positioned for continued success. Our trusted consultants at Davidoff Mission-Driven Strategy will be gathering candid feedback from members of all types and sizes. Your insights are essential to charting a course for 2025 and beyond. I thank you in advance for your participation in surveys and/or virtual focus groups that will take place in the coming months.

I look forward to collaborating with you to move EMS forward in the coming 24 months. Thank you again for your support and participation, and happy New Year!

Now, let’s get to work!


Jamie Pafford-Gresham
2025–2026 President
American Ambulance Association

Congress Extends Medicare Ambulance Add-On Payments

On Saturday, December 21, the American Relief Act of 2025 (H.R. 10545) became law and thereby averted a partial federal government shutdown. Of critical importance to ground ambulance service organizations, H.R. 10545 also extends the temporary Medicare ambulance add-on payments of 2% urban, 3% rural and 22.6% super rural through March 31, 2025. In addition, the new law wipes clean the PAYGO scorecard preventing a potential 4% cut in Medicare reimbursement for ground ambulance and other Medicare services.

The House of Representatives passed by a vote of 366 to 34 the Continuing Resolution (H.R. 10545) to extend funding for the federal government just hours before reaching the previous funding deadline of midnight on December 20th. The Senate then passed H.R. 10545 by a vote of 85 to 11 late that evening. The CR funds the federal government primarily at current funding levels through March 14, 2025.

The negotiations on the American Relief Act were extremely tense with a more robust initial legislative package, which would have extended the Medicare ambulance add-ons for two years, being replaced with a slimmer bill with fewer and shorter health care provisions. The extension of ground ambulance service payments ended up being just one of twenty-five provisions in the final 118-page Continuing Resolution, which was originally over 1,600 pages.

The AAA greatly appreciates the advocacy of our champions and supporters on Capitol Hill to ensure that the temporary ambulance payments extension was included in the final CR. We also want to thank our AAA members for reaching out to their members of Congress to request their help with the add-on payments. We will continue to push for a longer extension of the ambulance payments at percentages higher than the current levels upon the expiration of the CR. 

HHS OIG Issues Favorable Advisory Opinion on Ambulance Treatment-in-Place

On November 21, 2024, the HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued Advisory Opinion 24-09.  The opinion relates to a proposal by a municipal ambulance service to begin billing health insurances for treatment-in-place (TIP) services.

The Requestor historically did not charge patients or their insurance when it would respond to a 911 call and treat the patient at the scene.  The Requestor indicated that it was considering the implementation of a charge for TIP services furnished in connection with a 911 response.  This charge would be based on the level of care furnished to the patient at the scene, and would not exceed the amounts the Requestor currently charged for the same level of service furnished in connection with an ambulance transport.  The Requestor indicated that it would impose this charge for all forms of third-party health insurance (i.e., it would bill both Federal health care programs and commercial insurers); however, the Requestor stated that it would not charge uninsured patients for TIP services.  Under the proposed arrangement, the requestor would also agree to accept payment from a patient’s health insurance as payment-in-full, i.e., the Requestor would waive any cost-sharing amounts imposed by the patient’s health insurance.

For background purposes, there currently exists a safe harbor to the Federal anti-kickback statute (AKS) for cost-sharing waivers for emergency ambulance services[1].  To qualify for protection under the safe harbor, certain conditions must be met.  These include requirements that: (1) the ambulance provider or supplier be owned and operated by a state, a political subdivision of a state, or a recognized tribal organization, (2) the ambulance provider or supplier provide “emergency responses,” (3) the ambulance provider or supplier offers the reduction or waiver on a uniform basis to all of its residents or tribal members, or to all individuals transported, and (4) that the ambulance provider or supplier not claim the waived amounts as bad debt for payment purposes under a Federal health care program.  It is the requirement that the waiver be offered on a uniform basis to “all individuals transported” that created the potential need for the advisory opinion.

In other words, the Requestor was attempting to clarify whether the safe harbor was limited to ambulance transports, or whether the OIG would be willing to extend the protections of the safe harbor to all ambulance services, including TIP service.

As part of its analysis, the OIG first determined that the proposed arrangement would result in remuneration in the form: (1) cost-sharing waivers for TIP services covered by patients with commercial insurers and a handful of Medicare Advantage plans that currently cover TIP services and (2) services provided at no charge to patients that lack health insurance.  The OIG further determined that this remuneration would implicate both the Federal anti-kickback statute (AKS) and the prohibition on beneficiary inducements.  To reach this conclusion, the OIG noted that the cost-sharing waivers might induce Federal health care program beneficiaries to elect to receive other EMS services from the Requestor.  The OIG then determined that the proposed arrangement would not qualify under any of the existing safe-harbors.  Specifically, the OIG determined that the proposed arrangement would not fall under the existing safe harbor for emergency ambulance services because TIP services are not currently covered under the Medicare Program or the majority of State Medicaid Programs.  The OIG further noted that, even if a State Medicaid Program did cover TIP services, the arrangement would still not qualify for the safe harbor because the safe harbor currently only covers ambulance transportation services.  

While not qualifying for protection under an existing safe harbor, the OIG nonetheless determined that the proposed arrangement carried little risk of fraud or abuse.  The OIG based this determination on several factors.  First, the cost-sharing waiver would be applied to all patients receiving TIP services, regardless of their insurance.  Second, because neither Medicare nor the majority of State Medicaid Programs currently cover TIP services, the arrangement would not result in any meaningful costs being incurred Federal health care programs.  By contrast, the OIG noted that the arrangement might reduce Federal health care program expenditures, by avoiding the need for ambulance transportation and subsequent hospital care.  Third, even in those states where Medicaid paid for TIP services, the arrangement was unlikely to increase utilization of EMS services.  Finally, the OIG determined that the cost-sharing waivers were unlikely to “meaningfully affect” a patient’s decision to use the Requestor for further ambulance services, noting that patients’ future EMS usage is more likely to be impacted by other factors, including the patient’s location and the decisions made by a 911 dispatcher.  For these reasons, the OIG issued a favorable advisory opinion.

The advisory opinion is notable because it is the first time the OIG has addressed the issue of cost-sharing waivers unrelated to an actual ambulance transport.  As part of its opinion, the OIG acknowledged the potential benefits of TIP services, including their potential to decrease overall Federal health care program expenditures.  The opinion also suggests that the OIG does not view TIP services as creating new compliance risks distinct from those raised by ambulance transportation in general.  Thus, the opinion suggests that if the Medicare Program were to extend its ambulance benefit package to include TIP services at some point in the future, the OIG would likely be open to extending the current safe harbor to cover TIP services as well.

[1] 42 C.F.R. §1001.953(k)(4).

Senator Stabenow Receives Inaugural EMS Legacy Award


Tristan North
October 10, 2024


Senator Debbie Stabenow Receives Inaugural EMS Legacy Award from the American Ambulance Association


Washington, D.C. — Senator Debbie Stabenow has been honored with the first-ever annual EMS Legacy Award by the American Ambulance Association (AAA) for her exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to emergency medical services (EMS) during her distinguished tenure in the United States Senate.

The award recognizes Senator Stabenow’s significant contributions to the EMS community, particularly her role in introducing and championing critical legislation. Notably, she was instrumental in the creation of the Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection System, which enhances transparency and supports the sustainability of ground ambulance services across the nation. Additionally, Senator Stabenow’s efforts led to the successful extension of Medicare Ambulance Add-On payments for five years, a vital support mechanism that helps ensure reliable emergency medical care for Medicare beneficiaries.

The EMS Legacy Award underscores the critical importance of legislative support for emergency medical services, highlighting Senator Stabenow’s role in elevating these issues on the national stage. Her advocacy ensures that EMS providers have the resources and support needed to deliver high-quality care.

About the American Ambulance Association:
The American Ambulance Association is a nonprofit organization that advocates for the interests of ambulance service providers and the patients they serve. With a mission to advance the profession and improve patient care, the AAA provides resources, education, and support to its members and the EMS community.

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