The American Ambulance Association (AAA) is pleased to announce the release of its new state-level whitepaper, Ground Ambulance Balance Billing: Overview and Recommendations. Developed by a collaborative team of industry experts, this comprehensive resource provides an in-depth examination of the complex regulatory landscape surrounding ground ambulance billing and the ongoing challenges of keeping consumers out of the middle of payment disputes. The whitepaper offers an overview of existing state laws, gaps in current policy, and pragmatic recommendations—including standardized payment methods and consumer protections—that can inform both policymakers and EMS providers nationwide.
By sharing promising practices from around the country and highlighting the recent work of the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee, Ground Ambulance Balance Billing: Overview and Recommendations underscores the AAA’s commitment to safeguarding patients while supporting fair, sustainable reimbursement for ambulance services. We encourage all EMS stakeholders, insurers, and legislators to review this important paper and join us in shaping policies that protect patients and ensure the ongoing availability of these vital, life-saving services.
A Message from GAPBAC Committee Member Shawn Baird
Please see below for a video message from former American Ambulance Association President Shawn Baird, who participated on the Ground Ambulance Patient and Billing Advisory Committee. A formal analysis of the complete report to Congress is forthcoming.
Video Transcript
Hello, I’m Shawn Baird, past president of the American Ambulance Association.
Together with my fellow ambulance profession representatives Ted Van Horne, Regina Crawford, and Rhonda Holden, I was privileged to speak on behalf of AAA members and the EMS profession as a whole during the deliberations of the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee, also known as GAPBAC.
Today, I’m excited to share with you the culmination of our efforts—the release of a report to Congress that could transform how ground ambulance services are reimbursed, ensuring better protection for patients against surprise medical bills as well as fair compensation for the essential mobile healthcare we deliver daily.
We know that the patient care and transport we provide every day, 24/7, is vital to the health and welfare of our communities. In many parts of the country, we are the only healthcare available within hours. I am excited that if Congress acts on these recommendations, patients can not only continue to depend on our vital care, but also be relieved of the financial stress of the unknown bill when insurance falls short of appropriate payment. Quite frankly, if adopted by Congress, these recommendations would take patients out of the middle between providers and insurers, and free us to remain focused on what we do best; taking care of patients, 24/7.
Let me rewind a bit and give you the full context for this report.
GAPBAC was formed following the American Ambulance Association’s successful advocacy efforts to carve ground ambulance services out of the No Surprises Act. Through the dedication of AAA volunteer leaders made possible by your dues investment, we were able to successfully educate legislators about the unique nature of EMS. We effectively highlighted our inability to pick and choose patients, our role as the safety net provider in rural and medically underserved urban areas, as well as our sky-high costs of readiness. Instead of rolling ambulance services into a one-size-fits-all healthcare billing scheme that wouldn’t work for EMS, legislators had the vision and foresight to create the GAPBAC committee.
The group’s charter was signed in November 2021, and the roster was announced in December 2022. We are proud that former American Ambulance Association board member Asbel Montes was selected to take the helm as Chair.
Since then, our committee, composed of patient advocates, physicians, EMS experts, government officials, and insurance industry representatives, has worked collaboratively to address a critical issue—out-of-network billing for ground ambulance patients covered by non-ERISA health plans.
This discussion presented an extraordinary challenge as ambulance services face skyrocketing costs, flat reimbursement from Medicare, and an unprecedented workforce shortage. At the same time, our patients were sometimes confused by the complex health insurance landscape including copays, deductibles, and policy limitations.
But the GAPBAC panel, with the help of experts including AAA’s own Kathy Lester, persevered. Through research, dialogue, and compromise, GAPBAC’s team members developed 14 key recommendations that, if adopted by Congress, would protect patients, financially sustain EMS, enhance transparency, and empower state and local governments to determine fair reimbursement rates for their residents.
While I urge you to read the report to Congress in its entirety, rest assured that the AAA advocacy team will soon share a concise summary with our membership.
As I mentioned, the release of this report has been no small task. The collaboration across various stakeholder groups was unprecedented in EMS history, and every voice brought valuable insights, driving us toward solutions that consider all perspectives on the complex mobile healthcare reimbursement landscape. Together, we’ve laid down a framework that I believe will lead to significant improvements, ensuring that millions more Americans are fully covered during some of the most critical moments of their lives.
As we present our final findings, I hope that the recommendations will be met with thoughtful consideration by Congress and regulators—the well-being of our patients and the integrity of our out-of-hospital healthcare system depend on it. Thank you to American Ambulance Association President Strozyk, the AAA board and committee chairs, and you, the AAA membership, for the overwhelming support through this journey. Together, we will continue to advocate for a sustainable future for EMS!
Shawn Baird
Immediate Past President
American Ambulance Association
It is essential to understand that EMS directly bills patients instead of insurers only as a last resort. Sadly, as a frequent entry point to healthcare, EMS often faces the unenviable task of educating people about their limited insurance coverage or high deductibles, both of which are out of our control. As mobile healthcare is entirely decentralized in the United States, it is often unfeasible for small or volunteer-staffed ambulance services to negotiate sustainable in-network rates with dozens of insurance plans. The GAPB Advisory Committee’s recommendations seek to remedy this foundational disconnect between patients, EMS providers, and health plans.
The article notes that some EMS providers are owned by private equity, but overlooks that the vast majority of ambulance services in the United States are small, often conducting only a few dozen patient transports per day. These community-based services—some of which are the sole healthcare provider for miles—face skyrocketing costs for wages, fuel, and medical supplies that threaten their ability to keep their doors open. The collaborative work of the GAPB Advisory Committee sought to address these challenges by proposing recommendations that, if adopted by Congress, would help alleviate these financial pressures while also enhancing patient protection from surprise insurance denials.
The article implies that Patricia Kelmar was the only representative of the public interest on the panel. In fact, another Committee participant was explicitly appointed to represent patient advocacy groups, and as healthcare providers, EMS professionals and physicians consistently advocate for our patients’ well-being. The committee’s composition, as established by Congress within the No Surprises Act, was intentionally diverse and included stakeholders ranging from physicians to elected officials to insurance providers to ensure balance.
Additionally, it is important to clarify that the Health Affairs research cited in the article does not provide data on actual balance bills received by patients. Rather, it roughly estimates only potential balance bills as calculated based on a flawed estimation process. Even if we were to accept Health Affairs estimates as fact, the average balance bill calculated according to their methods would be just a few hundred dollars. This is far from the sole and extreme outlier bill cited in the piece. This distinction is critical as it underscores the need for data-driven policy decisions based on real-world evidence rather than projections and one-off examples.
Finally, the piece misses entirely the largest challenge with the Committee’s recommendations and their potential adoption by Congress. Based on longstanding legal precedent, ERISA plans, which cover about half of Americans through their employers, would not be bound by any legislation drafted based on our report. In Washington state and elsewhere, innovative “opt-in” clauses enable ERISA plans to voluntarily comply with state regulation. We encourage this and hope to see it replicated throughout the nation.
People become first responders because they have a passion for caring for others, and our communities trust them to do just that—24/7. Our Committee’s report to Congress includes 14 key recommendations designed to improve transparency, ensure fair reimbursement rates, and ultimately protect patients by strengthening state and local control. If these recommendations are adopted, they will help remove patients from the middle of billing disputes, allowing EMS providers to focus on our primary mission: delivering life-saving and life-sustaining healthcare around the clock.
For a detailed understanding of our recommendations and the Committee’s work, I encourage reading the full GAPB Advisory Committee report when it becomes available later this summer.
Shawn Baird Immediate Past President, American Ambulance Association Member, Advisory Committee on Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Portland, Oregon
The American Ambulance Association (AAA) seeks proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide strategic services in the field of ambulance and emergency medical services. The selected firm will work collaboratively with the Association to identify opportunities, analyze state landscapes, develop policy recommendations, and manage the project efficiently.
About the American Ambulance Association
Caring for People—First.
The American Ambulance Association safeguards the future of mobile healthcare through advocacy, thought leadership, and education. AAA advances sustainable EMS policy, empowering our members to serve their communities with high-quality on-demand healthcare. For more than 40 years, we have proudly represented those who care for people first. AAA’s 1500+ organizational members serve cities and counties in all 50 states.
Scope of Services
The consulting firm shall provide the following services:
Planning and Strategy Session: Convene a strategy session with key AAA leaders to prioritize states for research and opportunity development.
State Landscape Research and Analysis: Conduct comprehensive research and analysis for no fewer than ten states, focusing on:
State statutes, regulations, and Medicaid policies for ambulance services.
Medicaid fee schedules for ambulance services.
State policies on balance billing and treatment in place.
Initiatives addressing ambulance workforce shortage, including the use of grants and ARPA funds, with a particular focus on availability or potential availability for non-governmental EMS providers.
Policy Recommendation Development: Collaborate with AAA to develop in-depth state-level policy recommendations on the topics of EMS workforce recruitment and retention, balance billing, and treatment in place.
Whitepaper Development: Write, edit, and publish no fewer than three in-depth whitepapers focused on state-level EMS recruitment and retention, balance billing, and treatment in place policy. The whitepapers should be suitable for use by EMS providers and state level legislators and regulators seeking to identify state EMS policy best practices.
Project Management & Communication: Provide robust project management, including regular client meetings to review goals and progress during the development of policy recommendations and whitepapers. Facilitate regular coordination and progress review calls and monthly written updates.
All deliverables should be received in calendar year 2024.
Fees and Expenses
Proposals must include a detailed fee structure, including hourly rates for various personnel and any applicable prorated fees. A fixed total or capped amount is strongly preferred over uncapped “time and expenses” billing.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals should be submitted by January 31, 2024 to with the subject line “State EMS Whitepaper Proposal.” Proposals should include a detailed approach to the scope of services, a proposed timeline for deliverable development, detailed qualifications of the team, and a clear fee structure. Submitters should include examples of past work of similar scope in the broader healthcare field.
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on the firm’s experience, approach to the project, team qualifications, and cost-effectiveness. Notification will be delivered by February 29, 2024.
GAO-24-106335Published: Dec 12, 2023. Publicly Released: Dec 12, 2023.
Fast Facts
Individuals with private health insurance can receive “surprise bills” for the difference between what a provider charged and what their insurance paid.
A 2021 law prohibits surprise billing for some services, and directed the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury to give providers and insurers a forum to resolve disputes about how much insurers should pay for out-of-network care.
But the rollout has been challenging. As of June 2023, over 490,000 disputes have been submitted, a much larger number than anticipated by the agencies.
And 61% of the disputes are unresolved as of June 2023.
What GAO Found
The No Surprises Act directed the departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury to establish a federal independent dispute resolution process. The process, which was effective April 2022, is a voluntary forum for health care providers and health insurance issuers to resolve disputes about how much should be paid for out-of-network care. The payment determinations are made by certified dispute resolution entities, which serve as arbiters. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)—an agency within HHS—administers the independent dispute resolution process.
The three departments reported that parties submitted nearly 490,000 disputes from April 2022 through June 2023. About 61 percent of these disputes remained unresolved as of June 2023. According to officials from the departments, a primary cause of the large number of unresolved disputes is the complexity of determining whether disputes are eligible for the process.
Number of Out-of-Network Disputes in the Federal Independent Dispute Resolution Process by Calendar Quarter, April 15, 2022—June 30, 2023
The groups GAO interviewed described a challenging roll out of the independent dispute resolution process, including a higher-than-expected dispute volume. For example, the departments anticipated about 22,000 disputes in 2022, but received nearly 490,000 through June 2023. Four groups told GAO the departments did not account for the experience of states with similar processes when making the estimate. Disputing parties and certified entities also described the broader effects of those challenges, such as backlogs resulting in delays in payment determinations. The departments have taken some actions to address challenges, such as conducting pre-eligibility reviews on submitted disputes.
To address concerns from insurers and providers, CMS and Labor look into complaints; however, stakeholder groups expressed concern with what they describe as a lack of response to submitted complaints. The departments reported limited ability to increase enforcement efforts due to budget constraints. HHS has requested a budget increase for the process, and the departments are revisiting the administrative fee amount, which is intended to cover the costs of the process, and plan to issue updated program rules.
Why GAO Did This Study
About two thirds of individuals in the United States receive their health coverage through private health plans. Balance billing is when insured patients receive a bill from a health care provider for the difference between the amount charged and the payment received from the health insurance issuer. An unexpected balance bill is referred to as a “surprise bill” and may create a financial strain for patients. For individuals with private health insurance, the No Surprises Act prohibits providers from balance billing in certain circumstances and directed the three departments to establish the federal independent dispute resolution process.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, includes a provision for GAO to review the federal independent dispute resolution process. This report describes (1) the number and types of disputes submitted between April 2022 and June 2023, and the status of their resolution; (2) selected stakeholders’ experiences with the process, and agency actions to address challenges; and (3) how federal agencies oversee the process.
GAO reviewed published reports, relevant federal laws, regulations, and guidance; and interviewed officials from CMS and Labor. GAO also interviewed five selected health care providers or their representatives, which accounted for nearly half of all submitted disputes as of December 2022. In addition, GAO interviewed three issuers, three certified entities that arbitrate the disputes, and 10 stakeholder groups.
For more information, contact John E. Dicken at (202) 512-7114 or
Recorded November 2023
Outside the US Capitol during 2023 Stars of Life, Prodigy’s Rob Lawrence caught up with American Ambulance Association Immediate Past President Shawn Baird. Shawn shared next steps following the last meeting of the Ground Ambulance Patient and Billing Advisory Committee.
Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing (GAPB) Advisory Committee Public Meeting #2 (August 16, 2023)
The Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing (GAPB) Advisory Committee Second Public Meeting was held on August 16, 2023. Materials for this meeting are available for download on the GAPBwebsite.
As we continue this webinar series, we look to you as industry experts to provide feedback and recommend information that would be beneficial in future webinars. Written public comments for consideration by the Advisory Committee may be emailed to: .
Public comments on the specific topics listed in the GAPB Advisory Committee Public Meeting #2 Agenda, should be submitted by September 5, 2023 for consideration by the GAPB Advisory Committee.
The first meeting (virtual) of the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee scheduled for January 17 and 18 has been postponed. According to CMS, the meeting is being postponed due to “operational impediments”. We will let you know the new dates for the meeting when announced by CMS.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today appointed American Ambulance Association President Shawn Baird to the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee (GAPBAC), established by the Congress under “The No Surprises Act.” Shawn will represent the ground ambulance service provider and field personnel community.
“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve,” stated Baird. “I look forward to representing the interests of EMS providers and professionals as they care for our communities.
The Congress recognizes that the one-size-fits all approach to addressing surprise medical bills would not work for EMS. State and local governments regulate EMS agencies services and rates, as both first responders and medical care providers, which adds another level of complexity. As a result, the Congress established GAPBAC so the unique characteristics of ground ambulance services could be taken into consideration when evaluating private insurer billing policies to protect access to EMS, respect state and local government regulation, and protect patients.
Patients with private insurance should not be caught in the middle when their insurers do not adequately reimburse for vital ground ambulance services,” said Baird. “EMS must receive fair reimbursement by insurance companies for providing critical medical services to patients.”
Baird will bring to the Committee his years of firsthand experience and expertise as a paramedic and operator of an ambulance service in both urban and rural areas. He will also share knowledge gained from his years of volunteer leadership at the American Ambulance Association and the Oregon State Ambulance Association, as well as his term as an appointee to the National EMS Advisory Committee.
The GAPBAC is charged with “reviewing options to improve the disclosure of charges and fees for ground ambulance services, better inform consumers of insurance options for such services, and protect consumers from balance billing.” The Committee will submit a report that includes recommendations with respect to disclosure of charges and fees for ground ambulance services and insurance coverage, consumer protection and enforcement authorities of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury and State authorities, and the prevention of balance billing to consumers. The report must be received no later than 180 days after the date of its first meeting.
About the American Ambulance Association
The American Ambulance Association safeguards the future of mobile healthcare through advocacy, thought leadership, and education. AAA advances sustainable EMS policy, empowering our members to serve their communities with high-quality on-demand healthcare. For more than 40 years, we have proudly represented those who care for people first.