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VA Final Rule Delayed One Year

Hot off the press! The Department of Veteran’s Affairs has announced a one year delay of the VA Final Rule. This delay pushes implementation of the final rule to February of 2025.

We want to thank all of our AAA members, partner organizations, and legislative champions for their collaborative efforts and commitment to securing this critical delay.

Please see the following press release from the Office of Senator Tester. 

Following Tester Efforts, VA Takes Action to Avoid Potential Reduction in Air and Ground Transportation Services

VA delays rule that could have resulted in severe reductions in access to emergency ground and air transportation services in Montana

(Big Sandy, Mont.) – Following sustained efforts from U.S. Senator Jon Tester to protect rural veterans’ access to lifesaving emergency medical transportation services, the Department of Veterans Affairs is delaying a rule to change reimbursement rates for special mode transportation, including air and ground ambulances. This delay will give VA more time to work with stakeholders and Congress to implement the rule in a way that would ensure access and availability of emergency transportation to veterans and civilians, especially in rural America.

“The availability of emergency air and ground transportation services in Montana and rural America can be the difference between life and death,” said Tester, Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “VA’s hasty implementation of its rate change for these services could have been the final straw for providers in rural America, and I’m glad to see VA answering my call and taking steps to fix this reimbursement issue. VA still has a lot more work to do, and I’ll continue pushing my VA Emergency Transportation Access Act to ensure VA gets this rule right for veterans and anyone who calls rural America home.”

VA’s rule was set to go into effect in February 2024, despite significant opposition from Tester, transportation providers, and Veteran Service Organizations. Now, VA is committing to delaying the rule’s effective date until February 2025, which would give the Department more time to work with providers to ensure the rule will not negatively impact their services and ability to serve veterans, especially those in rural and hard-to-reach areas. The previous implementation timeline of rate reductions could have resulted in emergency transportation providers severely reducing services, closing bases, or even billing veterans for the remainder of their costs in order to shoulder the financial impacts of this change. 

Tester has led the bipartisan charge to push back on the Biden Administration’s proposed rule change and protect Montana veterans’ access to emergency medical transportation services since day one. In September 2022, he wrote to VA Secretary Denis McDonough to express his concerns with VA’s rule, and in February of this year, he called on the Secretary again to delay this rule. This September, he introduced the bipartisan VA Emergency Transportation Access Act to bar VA from reducing rates of pay and reimbursement for special mode transportation providers, including ground and air ambulances, unless the Department meets certain requirements that ensure rate changes will not reduce veterans’ access to this essential service.

The Senator also recently secured a bipartisan amendment to prohibit VA from implementing this rule in fiscal year 2024 to a key Senate bill that passed earlier this month.

Tester’s efforts have been applauded by emergency medical service leaders in Montana and across the nation. Earlier this month, the Senator was awarded Legislator of the Year by the American Ambulance Association for his work to push back on VA’s rule.

Register Now: FICEMS Meeting on December 6

Federal Interagency Committee on EMS to
Hold Virtual Meeting on December 6

 Advanced public comment period open until Wednesday, November 29

The Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS) was established by Congress in 2005 to ensure coordination among Federal agencies supporting local, regional, state, tribal, and territorial EMS and 911 systems. FICEMS provides a forum for Federal agencies and staff to collaborate to improve EMS delivery across the nation.

FICEMS will host a virtual meeting Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 1 pm ET.

Register Now

Updates will be provided by FICEMS agency representative members, NEMSAC and subgroups of the Technical Working Group, and NHTSA’s Office of EMS will share the status of projects, including:

  • National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS)
  • EMS Data Summit 2.0 & National EMS Information System (NEMSIS)
  • National 911 Program
  • First Responder Mental Health & Wellness

Guest Presentations include:

  • Longitudinal Inquiry of Fire & EMS (LIFE) Health Study with Ashish R. Panchal, MD, PhD, NREMT
  • System Assessment & Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program with Norm Kaufmann, Program Manager, DHS
  • Radiological/Nuclear Response & Recovery (RNRR) Program with Eliot Calhoun, Program Manager, DHS

Members of the public are invited to provide advanced public comment by emailing with “FICEMS Feedback” in the subject line by Wednesday, November 29 at 12 pm ET. There will also be opportunities for the public to ask questions or submit comments through the webcast live chat feature.

NHTSA is committed to providing equal access to this meeting for all program participants. Persons with disabilities in need of accommodation should send their request to Clary Mole by phone at (202) 868-3275 or by email to no later than by Wednesday, November 29 at 12 pm ET. A sign language interpreter and closed captioning services can be provided through the Zoom meeting platform upon request.

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Gluesenkamp Perez and Finstad Introduce EMS Workforce Shortage Bill

Yesterday, November 15, Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) and Congressman Brad Finstad (R-MN) introduced the Preserve Access to Rapid Ambulance Emergency Medical Treatment (PARA-EMT) Act (H.R. 6433). H.R. 6433 is the first broad, stand-alone piece of legislation specifically designed to focus solely on helping address the EMS workforce shortage.

“We greatly appreciate the leadership of Congresswoman Gluesenkamp Perez and Congressman Finstad on introducing this momentous legislation to assist with the hiring and retention of paramedics and EMTs,” stated AAA President Randy Strozyk. “We look forward to working with them on passage of the bill.”

H.R. 6433 would establish a pilot grant program under the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the recruitment and training of paramedics and EMTs. The grant program would be authorized from 2024 through 2028 with $50 million a year in funding.

The legislation would also provide states with funding to help facilitate and expedite the transition of medics coming out of military service with the requirements of becoming a civilian paramedic or EMT. The program would be authorized from 2024 through 2028 with $20 million a year in grant funding for states.

Lastly, H.R. 6433 would direct the Secretary of Labor to conduct a study on the EMS workforce shortage and issue a report to Congress. The report would include an analysis on potentially adding paramedics and EMTs to the list of health care occupations which benefit from an easier hiring process of professionals outside the U.S.

The American Ambulance Association, National Rural Health Association and Washington Ambulance Association have endorsed H.R. 6433. In the coming days, the AAA will be launching a Call to Action to encourage and assist our members in contacting their U.S. Representatives in support of cosponsoring H.R. 6433.

Thank you to all of the AAA members and volunteer leaders who worked tirelessly to push for the introduction of this important EMS legislation!

Crash Responder Safety Week, November 13–17, 2023

EMS News

Take Part in Crash Responder Safety Week, November 13–17, 2023

Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) takes place November 13 –17, 2023. Emergency medical services (EMS) and other emergency responders provide care and support to those injured on our roadways due to a crash. These traffic incident responders put their lives at risk when clearing each of the nearly 7 million annual motor vehicle crashes or the broader range of incidents such as stalled vehicles or roadway debris. EMS provides clinical care at 1.5 million of those crashes according to National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) data.

This year’s focus is “Protect Those Who Protect You,” emphasizing the public’s role in keeping responders safe while responders improve the safety for all road users. This recognition effort will honor responders, provide an overview of activities taking place across the country and connect all responder stakeholders to kickoff this important week.

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Incident Management (TIM) program, a traffic incident responder is struck and killed nearly every week, and many more traffic incident responders sustain life-altering injuries. When a traffic incident responder or a response vehicle is struck, the impacts are far reaching — putting a greater long-term strain on limited resources that service the broad community needs.

Your Role in Crash Responder Safety Week:

  • Encourage traffic incident responders in your community to take the free, 4-hour National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder training available online through the National Highway Institute or in person through TIM Coordinators within each State. Nearly 700,000 responders have completed this training to date.
  • Make an extra effort this week to increase public education activities to inform drivers about your State’s Slow Down, Move Over law, which requires drivers to slow down, and, if possible, to move over when approaching incident response vehicles such as ambulances, fire engines, tow trucks, safety service patrols and municipal or utility vehicles.
  • Public safety and EMS agencies are encouraged to attend the webinar and customize these promotional materials for each day’s theme and share them widely to increase awareness and promote safety on the road.
Register for the Webinar

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

2023 AAA Legislative Awards

The American Ambulance Association is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 AAA Legislative Awards. Each Member of Congress is being recognized for their strong advocacy for emergency medical services and their ongoing dedication to ambulance services across the United States.

2023 AAA Legislators of the Year

Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D (LA)
Senator Jon Tester (MT)

2023 AAA Legislative Recognition Award Recipients


  • Senator Cortez Masto (NV)
  • Senator Collins (ME)
  • Senator Stabenow (MI)
  • Senator Schumer (NY)
  • Senator Lujan (NM)
  • Senator Kaine (VA)
  • Senator Murkowski (AK)
  • Senator Tuberville (AL)
  • Senator Murray (WA)
  • Senator Moran (KS)
  • Senator Boozman (AR)


  • Congressman Blumenauer (OR-3)
  • Congresswoman Kelly (IL-2)
  • Congresswoman Sewell (AL-7)
  • Congressman Wenstrup (OH-2)
  • Congressman Carter (GA-1)
  • Congressman Tonko (NY-20)
  • Congressman Davis (IL-7)
  • Congresswoman Perez (WA-3)
  • Congressman Finstad (MN-1)
  • Congressman Pence (IN-6)
  • Congressman Kim (NJ-3)
  • Congresswoman Clark (MA-5)
  • Congressman Zinke (MT-1)
  • Congressman Guest (MS-3)
  • Congresswoman Hoyle (OR-4)
  • Congressman Bost (IL-12)
  • Congressman Alford (MO-4)


FICEMS DEIA Statement Now Available

Highlighting Key Commitments to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

With this reinforced dedication, FICEMS can better achieve and enhance the EMS mission for all persons. FICEMS’ newly released Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) document serves not only as a declaration of FICEMS’ core values but also as a foundational roadmap for agencies looking to improve their emergency medical services.

The EMS Agenda 2050 outlines a socially equitable EMS system that ensures quality and accessible care for all, irrespective of any social determinants. Achieving this vision requires a collective and sustained effort. The DEIA statement from FICEMS marks a significant step in this direction, underlining the organization’s firm commitment to a diverse and inclusive EMS landscape.

Agencies are encouraged to review the new DEIA statement as a guiding resource for aligning their practices with these crucial principles.

Read the FICEMS DEIA Statement

For more information on the work FICEMS is doing to support federal collaboration in an effort to improve EMS across the nation, visit the FICEMS resources page on

Prehospital Blood Transfusion Initiative

Press Release from the Prehospital Blood Transfusion Initiative Coalition



Bill Skillman
781 315 7537

In cities, towns and rural communities across the US people are dying unnecessarily from severe bleeding arising from limited supply of blood products and lack of blood transfusions after injury or other causes of hemorrhagic shock. Bleeding to death from uncontrolled hemorrhage remains the leading cause of preventable deaths among victims of trauma with nearly half of these patients dying in the prehospital setting.  Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, blood products are not available on emergency medical response vehicles because of reimbursement limitations and local regulations which vary by state.

The Prehospital Blood Transfusion Initiative Coalition (PHBTIC) is being established to address these problems. “A growing number of ground and air medical EMS programs have successfully initiated blood programs in recent years, but more needs to be done to ensure patients in the U.S. who need prehospital transfusion are able to receive it, regardless of where they live” notes John Holcomb, MD, Professor of Surgery at University of Alabama at Birmingham, an internationally renowned trauma surgeon and expert on civilian and military hemorrhage control and resuscitation.  The Coalition, led by a steering committee, is building a multi-disciplinary, collaborative initiative to advance four pillars of focused activity to promote prehospital blood transfusion programs:

  • Establish reimbursement for blood products transfused in the prehospital setting.
  • EMS scope-of-practice allowing the initiation of prehospital blood products in states where it currently is not allowed.
  • Strategic preparedness for homeland defense and mass casualties.
  • Outreach and education, including regulatory, protocols, and best practices for programs based on experiences of agencies currently conducting programs.

“Our group represents a diverse community of prehospital and hospital-based medical professionals, as well as industry, blood collection, and government partners, whose focus is on improving outcomes of all patients suffering hemorrhagic shock in a data-driven fashion” say Eric Bank, LP, NRP, Assistant Chief of EMS HCESD 48 Fire-EMS and Randi Schaefer, DNP, RN, Clinical Consultant and Scientific Advisor.

The Steering Committee has already reached out to national stakeholder organizations in the EMS, trauma, blood and industry communities and are soliciting others with an interest in ensuring blood products are available in all emergency settings to join the Coalition. They will be scheduling an initial meeting of the Coalition in the coming weeks. Those interested are encouraged to contact Jon R Krohmer, MD at

Visit Website

### END ###

PBS NewsHour | The No Surprises Act left out ground ambulances. Here’s what’s happening now


Read the full article

GAPBAC | Follow Up from Committee Meeting #2

Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing (GAPB) Advisory Committee Public Meeting #2 (August 16, 2023)

The Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing (GAPB) Advisory Committee Second Public Meeting was held on August 16, 2023. Materials for this meeting are available for download on the GAPB website.

As we continue this webinar series, we look to you as industry experts to provide feedback and recommend information that would be beneficial in future webinars. Written public comments for consideration by the Advisory Committee may be emailed to: .

Public comments on the specific topics listed in the GAPB Advisory Committee Public Meeting #2 Agenda, should be submitted by September 5, 2023 for consideration by the GAPB Advisory Committee.


NEMSAC | Meeting August 9-10


EMS News

Register Now: National EMS Advisory Council Meeting August 9-10

The National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) will host a hybrid meeting on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 1:00 pm ET, and Thursday, August 10, 2023, at 12:00 pm ET. The meeting will highlight EMS program updates, share new initiatives and innovations and provide an opportunity for facilitated discussion and public comment. Members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting virtually.

Yours Truly Hotel DC
1143 New Hampshire Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20037
Virtual webcast available

Register Now

Items on the agenda include:

  • Updates from OEMS and FICEMS Chairperson
  • NRSS and Post-Crash Care update
  • Subcommittee reports on advisories in progress, including:
    • Adaptability and innovation
    • Equitable patient care
    • Preparedness and education
    • Professional safety
    • Sustainability and efficiency
    • Integration and technology
    • Ambulance crashes
  • Guest Presentations
    • Day 1: Prehospital Blood Transfusion Initiative with Jon Krohmer, MD
    • Day 2: Medical Countermeasures for First Responders with Judith Laney, PhD

Registrants who wish to address the Council during the public comment periods can submit comments in writing to by August 5, 2023. Questions and comments for the Council may also be presented using the live chat feature.


NEMSAC meets several times a year to discuss concerns facing the EMS community. Members of NEMSAC provide counsel and recommendations regarding EMS to the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS) and the Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

NHTSA is committed to providing equal access to this meeting for all program participants. Persons with disabilities in need of accommodation should send their request to Clary Mole by phone at (202) 868-3275 or by email to no later than July 27, 2023. A sign language interpreter and closed captioning services can be provided through the Zoom meeting platform upon request.

Sign up to receive the latest news from the Office of EMS, including webinars, newsletters and industry updates.

Contact Us

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


AAA Encourages CMS to Consider Revised Innovation Model for Treatment in Place

Washington, DC— While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has decided to end the Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Model two years early on December 31, 2023, the American Ambulance Association (AAA) remains committed to working with CMS on all future efforts to design programs that fully utilize the ground ambulance services in the delivery of mobile healthcare services. CMS made the decision to end the model “due to lower than expected participation and lower than projected interventions.”

The AAA is encouraged that CMS has stated that, “the lessons learned from the ET3 Model can aid in the development of potential future initiatives.”  Our members are committed to supporting such future efforts to make sure that the requirements support true treatment in place and recognize the unique needs of rural ground ambulance services and the communities they serve.  Moreover, we encourage CMS to work with the AAA to move forward with alternative destination as a permanent policy based not only on the lessons learned from the ET3 model, but also those garnered as a result of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) waiver. The AAA continues to support efforts to refine the Medicare ground ambulance emergency benefit to support delivering pre-hospital services to the patients who need them at the time they need them and where they need them.

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