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Author: Amanda Riordan

Amanda Riordan serves as the Vice President of Membership of the American Ambulance Association. She joined AAA as Director of Membership in May of 2015. She has 15+ years of progressive experience in non-profit operations, membership development, marketing, operations, and credentialing.

Savvik | Summer of Gloves

It’s the first day of summer!

The perfect time to remind our members that we don’t need a sale, coupon code, or promotion to have the lowest prices on gloves in the industry.

Our partners at Henry Schein have dozens of glove options to help you find the gloves that fit your organization for the lowest price.

Congratulations to our Winners!

Flush Syringes

Still available in the Savvik Store!

Savvik Member Discounts Available through our publicly bid contract with TKK Electronics!Are you planning to purchase new rugged mobile computers, tablets, vehicle docks, or networking and security solutions?

TKK Electronics is part of the Savvik network and offers exclusive discounts on the latest technologies for EMS, fire, law enforcement, and both state and local government agencies.

We’re also teaming up with our technology partners at Zebra to offer additional Savvik member discounts on some of the latest Zebra solutions. These include trade-in rebates of $100 per device when you trade in your qualifying hardware and upgrade to Zebra’s groundbreaking L10 Series rugged tablets.

Here’s a quick rundown of the Savvik member benefits we provide:

  • No minimum order requirement
  • National bid pricing
  • 24/7 online ordering
  • Dedicated, experienced support

Is your organization ready for Cost Collection? We can help!

Together with the American Ambulance association, we’re offering FREE Amber software to agencies that need it.

EMS.Gov | Know the Signs of Monkeypox

EMS News

Recognize Monkeypox
In Prehospital Settings

EMS and healthcare clinicians should know the signs of Monkeypox

The National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC) is providing updates about the recently evolving situation regarding the spread of Monkeypox, a rare but potentially serious viral disease. Monkeypox has emerged in countries in which it is not normally found, including the United States. To ensure early detection and isolation of the infected, EMS/prehospital and hospital clinicians should be on alert for signs of the disease.

Monkeypox can spread between humans via contact with skin lesions and infected respiratory droplets. It is important to recognize and report cases of the disease to the local public health department for surveillance purposes.

Visit the link above or review these EMS strategies for preventing the spread of monkeypox:

If you suspect a case of Monkeypox, contact your state health department for possible initiation of special pathogen transport protocols.

More Information

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

US DOL | Building Mental Health-Friendly Workplaces

The U.S. Department of Labor cordially invites you to a virtual event in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Time: 2:00 p.m. ET

Location: Streaming online

Register: Click here to register to receive the accessible event link.

Tune in to learn about the U.S. Department of Labor’s commitment to promoting mental health-friendly workplaces and ensuring America’s workers can access the equitable and inclusive mental health services they need. Featuring insightful dialogues and knowledge sharing, the event will explore mental health parity, the role of the workplace in addressing the nation’s mental health crisis and strategies for fostering work environments that support workers with mental health conditions.

Featured guests will include:

  • Marty Walsh, U.S. Secretary of Labor
  • Julie Su, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor
  • Ali Khawar, Acting Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration
  • Taryn Williams, Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy

Please join us for this special event!

Click here to register to receive the accessible event link.

U.S. Department of Labor
Employee Benefits Security Administration


Savvik Savings

There are 11 FREE seats left for Savvik Members to attend the Lifeguard: Train-the-Trainer Workshop.

Register soon; they’re going fast!


In times of crisis, three priorities become paramount: protection, connection, and collaboration. Generark wants to be your source of security in unnerving situations by providing a reliable source of power that will enable you to stay protected and running and allow you to stay connected.

You have enough to worry about in an emergency, but now with Generark you can cross some of those worries off your list!

Reliable, durable, and portable, always have your “ark” with Savvik’s newest vendor, Generark.

Now available in the Savvik Store.

Airgas Healthcare is the leading supplier of the most comprehensive range of gases, gas supply modes, gas delivery systems, and related products and services in the U.S. Their mission is to support our healthcare customers in their mission to improve lives.

Savvik Members can save on Airgas by using our contract!

Savvik Members SAVE on medical supplies through our publicly bid contract with Henry Schein.

Resuscitator Bag Valve Mask

$11.54  $8.89

Disinfectant Surface Wipe Super Sani-Cloth Large Canister 160/Pk

$7.59  $4.38

Smart CapnoLine® etCO2 Sampling Lines

$9.88  $5.80

Electrode Electrocardio BlueSensor 38mm 10/Pk,

$5.29  $2.68

About us
Savvik is a non-profit formed to reduce financial impact within the Public Safety industry. Our mission is to provide members with a mechanism to achieve cost reductions – valuing quality supplies and equipment for members at the industry’s best prices.

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If you are hearing from us for the first time in a while, it’s because you are a saved account in our system. To update your preferences, you can unsubscribe below.

CMS | Open Door Forum on Prior Authorization for RSNAT

From CMS on October 5, 2021

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

Special Open Door Forum:  Repetitive, Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport Prior Authorization Model National Expansion

Thursday, October 28, 2021
2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Time
Conference Call Only

Participant Dial-In Number: 1-888-455-1397 | Conference ID #: 8604468

CMS will host a Special Open Door Forum (SODF) to allow ambulance suppliers, other Medicare providers, and additional interested parties to learn about the upcoming national expansion of the Repetitive, Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport (RSNAT) Prior Authorization Model in Medicare fee for service. CMS is implementing the national model in multiple phases beginning with Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas on December 1, 2021.  The RSNAT Prior Authorization Model is currently operating in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina since 2014 and in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia since 2016. This Special ODF will include information on national expansion, the prior authorization process, and a Q&A period.

You can find more information on the model and slides for the ODF presentation by going to:

Questions on the model can be sent to:

We look forward to your participation.

Special Open Door Participation Instructions:

Participant Dial-In Number: 1-888-455-1397

Conference ID #: 8604468

Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

A transcript and audio recording of this Special ODF will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at for downloading.                  

For automatic emails of Open Door Forum schedule updates (E-Mailing list subscriptions) and to view Frequently Asked Questions please visit our website at

Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.

EMS Week is May 16–22

EMS Strong banner

Dear EMS Professional,

Over the last year, the pandemic has given people a small glimpse of the vital role of EMS professionals. The sacrifice and dedication of EMTs, paramedics and other EMS practitioners has rightfully earned them admiration and gratitude in their communities. Calling us heroes sometimes obscures the fact that—behind those masks—are people who, every day, take on many crucial roles: Healthcare professional. Emergency manager. Social worker. Crisis counselor. Consoler. Caregiver.

What is EMS Strong?

EMS Strong is a campaign that seeks to celebrate, unify and inspire the men and women of our nation’s emergency medical services. Learn More

Download the 2021
EMS Week Planning Guide


How does your past impact your decisions and the direction your life will take? For Heather Edwards, one spring day more than 20 years ago set her on a course for a career in emergency medicine. Read More


He’s part EMT, part park ranger and part law enforcement officer: Meet Max Gallegos, a law enforcement ranger in Death Valley National Park.
Read More


Yolanda Johnson spent 10 years on an ambulance in Peoria, IL, before becoming an EMS instructor. Read More


It’s time for EMS to take the lead in making sure our healthcare partners know who we are. Read More


Managing stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond Read More


Get ready to recognize and honor EMS in your community.
Now more than ever, it’s important to acknowledge all of your team members and educate your community about the valuable role that EMS plays.
Read More


National EMS Week, May 16-22, celebrates both the EMS profession and professionals for the vital role they play in the healthcare continuum. Here are the themes for each weekday:

Thursday: SAVE A LIFE DAY (CPR & National Stop the Bleed Day)

Read More

Presented by ACEP in Partnership with NAEMT

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Lytx | Free Fleet Webinar January 28

Sponsored Content from Lytx

Protect Your Brand, Bottom Line and Gain More Visibility into Your Fleet with More Than Just a Map
Free Webinar January 28 at 2:00 ET

Savvy contractors know that GPS fleet management solutions are key for maximizing productivity, efficiency, safety, customer satisfaction, and more. In today’s modern world, they are adding new technology to take those benefits to the next level. Learn how the Lytx Fleet Tracking Map provides immediate fleet activity including geo-fencing, fuel economy, how to calculate stops in a day, and route.

Register Free

Oregon | President Baird Joins OHA COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee

From the Oregon Department of Human Services on December 31

OHA completes recruitment for COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee

27-member group to create sequencing for COVID-19 immunizations

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon Health Authority has completed recruitment for its Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC) that will determine the sequence in which new COVID-19 vaccines are distributed around the state.

The 27-member committee will advise OHA on vaccine sequencing for phases 1b, 1c and 2 of the state’s vaccine distribution plan, with the goal of prioritizing communities most affected by COVID-19. The COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee will be grounded in OHA’s definition of health equity, which—as cited in this excerpt—is a health system where “all people can reach their full health potential and well-being and are not disadvantaged by their race, ethnicity, language, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, intersections among these communities or identities, or other socially determined circumstances.”

To advance health equity, and counter unjust COVID-19 inequities, the COVID-19 VAC will:

  • Advise OHA on the ethical principles that should guide decisions on sequencing of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Review data on COVID-19 and immunization inequities.
  • Advise OHA on which workers, high-risk groups or critical populations should be sequenced at what time, taking into consideration where they are located across the state.

The committee roster is as follows:

Aileen Duldulao

Oregon Pacific Islander Coalition

Cherity Bloom-Miller

Siletz Community Health Clinic

Christine Sanders

Rockwood Community Development Corp.

Daysi Bedolla Sotelo

Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste

DeLeesa Meashintubby

Volunteers in Medicine

Debra Whitefoot

Nch’i Wana Housing

Derick Du Vivier

Oregon Health & Science University

Dolores Martinez


George Conway

Deschutes County Health Services

Kalani Raphael

Oregon Pacific Islander Coalition

Kelly Gonzales

Portland State University

Kristin Milligan

Community Volunteer Network

Laurie Skokan

Providence Health & Services

Leslie Sutton

Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities

Maleka Taylor

The Miracles Club

Maria Loredo

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

Marin Arreola

Interface Network

Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown

Crook County Health Department

Musse Olol

Somali American Council of Oregon

Nannette Carter-Jafri

SEIU Local 503 Indigenous People’s Caucus

Ruth Gulyas

LeadingAge Oregon

Safina Koreishi

Columbia Pacific CCO

Sandra McDonough

Oregon Business & Industry

Shawn Baird

Metro West Ambulance Service

Sue Steward

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

Tsering Sherpa

The Rosewood Initiative

Zhenya Abbruzzese

Adventist Health

“The COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee brings tremendous lived and professional experience to guide OHA’s decisions about vaccine sequencing in a way that upholds OHA’s goal to eliminate health inequities by 2030,” said Cara Biddlecom, OHA deputy public health director.

“Members of this committee represent communities that have been unjustly impacted by COVID-19, including tribal communities and communities of color, and OHA is committed to involving community members in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.”

The committee’s first public meeting is Thursday, Jan. 7, from 9 a.m. to noon. The meeting can be accessed via conference line at 669-254-5252; meeting ID: 160 583 9896.

For more information about the committee, visit the Vaccine Advisory Committee information page. Comments or questions can be emailed to

Stay informed about COVID-19:

Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority leads the state response.

United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the US response.

Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.

Expanded Support for EMS Responding to Natural Disasters, COVID-19

Frontline Impact Project Expands Support for Frontline Heroes, Offers Companies a New Way to Give Amidst Historic Natural Disasters

COVID-19 response platform will now direct resources to first responders facing wildfires, hurricanes and other catastrophes   

September 15, 2020 – Frontline Impact Project is expanding its mission and will now also support heroes on the frontlines of major natural disasters including the Western wildfires and Hurricane Laura. The platform, which The KIND Foundation launched in partnership with dozens of companies in response to COVID-19, will activate its existing infrastructure to shepherd resources like meals, snacks, beverages and personal care items to first responders in need. The announcement comes after extraordinary displays of courage and sacrifice from the nation’s firefighters, paramedics and emergency volunteers.

“We started Frontline Impact Project to meet the needs of those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. While this work will continue, we are cognizant of the many others risking their lives to keep us safe, particularly as peak wildfire and hurricane seasons approach,” says Michael Johnston, President of The KIND Foundation. “Thanks to the generosity of more than 60 companies, we’re set up to respond in real time and help take care of America’s heroes as they take care of us.”

As part of this expansion, Frontline Impact Project has initiated partnerships with two leading disaster response nonprofits, National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and Good360, to get donated items to workers across the Gulf Coast and Western United States.

“Non-profit staff and volunteers work tirelessly to serve survivors impacted by disaster. Frontline Impact Project’s commitment and efforts to supporting those serving on the frontlines of disasters across the country is a welcome addition to the disaster response community,” says Katherine Boatwright, Director of Operations, NVOAD.

Since April, Frontline Impact Project has matched more than 650 frontline institutions with companies that have products or services to donate. Available resources include food, beverages, personal care items, mental health services and virtual fitness classes. Together with its inaugural partner KIND, the project has donated nearly four million products to date.

“We were looking for a flexible and streamlined way to donate our products. Frontline Impact Project gives us the opportunity to scale our giving as the situation demands and reach a deserving audience whose needs are paramount but not always top of mind,” says Aaron Croutch, Executive Vice President, Lenny & Larry’s.

Kara Goldin, Founder and CEO of Hint, adds, “Now, more than ever, it’s critical that we support first responders and help keep them healthy and hydrated. Hint has donated water to hundreds of healthcare organizations and first responders across the country, and the Frontline Impact Project has made coordination with a number of those groups much easier.”

In addition to Lenny and Larry’s and Hint, a number of companies have signed on to support this effort, including Adrenaline Shoc Smart Energy; Belgian Boys; CLEAN Cause; Just the Cheese; Kabaki Tea; Kodiak Cakes; KIND; La Colombe; Neuro; Paunchy Elephant; RISE Brewing Co; ROWDY; Purely Elizabeth; and ZICO Coconut Water.

To submit a donation or make a request, visit

July 22 | EMS Advocacy Facebook Livestream

July 22, 2020 | 14:00 ET | Register Now for a Reminder!

Join AAA advocacy experts for a fast-paced informal dialogue on Facebook Live! Learn first-hand about EMS advocacy initiatives in the face of COVID-19.

Register to receive a reminder email one hour in advance of the live broadcast on the American Ambulance Association Facebook page!


  • Randy Strozyk, Secretary, AAA
  • Jamie Pafford-Gresham, Chair, AAA Government Affairs Committee
  • Asbel Montes, Chair, AAA Payment Reform Committee
  • Rob Lawrence, Chair, AAA Communications Committee
  • Maria Bianchi, AAA Executive Director
  • Tristan North, AAA SVP of Government Affairs
  • Mercury Group Public Affairs

Register Now

AAA Seeks Perspectives on EMS Diversity & Inclusion

As the demographics of our nation change, it becomes ever more essential  for  emergency medical services to foster a  diverse and inclusive workplace more representative of the communities that we serve. To support this mission, the American Ambulance Association seeks tips, ideas, and perspectives from our membership on best practices for attracting, recruiting, and retaining the EMS workforce of tomorrow.

For this project, we are using the word “diversity” to refer to characteristics including—but not limited to—race, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, disability, and/or age.

While we are truly appreciative of all responses, AAA especially welcomes the perspectives of those who are themselves members of groups historically less represented in the EMS  workforce.

If you would like to contribute your thoughts to this project, please complete our short form below.  You do not need to disclose your identity if you do not wish to do so.


Massachusetts | Convoy of Champions

A parade of more than 50 ambulances, representing more than 20,000 paramedics, EMTs, and 911 dispatchers, traveled from UMass Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts to the warning track inside Fenway Park on Wednesday, May 20. The Boston Red Sox, Mayor Marty Walsh, state officials, and healthcare professionals joined the Massachusetts Ambulance Association, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, and municipal ambulance providers in celebrating these front line heroes during National EMS Week.

Once inside the park, the EMS professionals were greeted by video tributes from dignitaries and celebrities and a select number of live speakers following safe social distancing guidelines.

The event takes on even greater significance this year because of the unprecedented response to the COVID-19 crisis from EMS professionals and their colleagues across the state’s medical community.

The Commonwealth’s EMS professionals have been crucial in responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Massachusetts has been among the nation’s hardest-hit states, experiencing the third most deaths and fourth-most cases of the novel coronavirus.

During the current public health crisis, EMS professionals have helped manage testing and treatment for homebound patients and provided supplemental support for hospitals and neighborhood health centers, in addition to its duties in responding to daily emergencies.

Watch the Facebook Live Video

Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday’s #ConvoyofChampions parade in celebration of #EMS! The event was a…

Posted by Massachusetts Ambulance Association on Thursday, May 21, 2020

Seeking EMS Grantwriters!

The American  Ambulance Association seeks member organization employees and consultants with grant-writing expertise who may be interested in writing or presenting to ambulance services. Ideally, we would like to develop a one-hour webinar for members that includes tips for finding and winning grants of all kinds ( Assistance to Firefighter Grants, SAMHSA/ SIREN Act, local, non-profit, etc). If you may be interested, please contact! Thank you for your support and participation.

HHS Provider Relief Tranche 2 Calculator

Use the American Ambulance Association’s simple form to estimate relief you may receive from the second tranche of HHS COVID-19 funding. Please note that not all providers will receive funds.

More information about this program as well as access to the form you must complete in the General Allocation Portal can be found on the HHS website.

For-profit and non-profit non-governmental providers,  to determine your Net Patient Revenue for the portal, use the following information from your most recently filed tax return. (2019 if filed, otherwise use 2018 numbers).

Governmental providers,  enter your revenue generated for the last audited financial year. When completing the form in the portal,  select Tax Exempt Organization. When asked to upload a return at the end, upload your most recent audited financials.

Please do not enter commas or dollar signs. A negative number or zero in the Tranche 2 box indicates that you WILL NOT receive funding in tranche  2.

EMS Granted Access to the Amazon COVID-19 Store!

Thank you to the thousands of EMS and fire professionals who joined our social media campaign to encourage Amazon Business to admit mobile healthcare providers into their new COVID-19 Store. In response to the collective voices of our profession, Amazon has updated their policy! Effective April 6, EMS and Fire will begin to be onboarded into the limited-access marketplace. To participate:

  1. Ensure your agency has established an Amazon Business account. 
  2. Request access to the COVID-19 Store. When you complete the form, select “OTHER” as organization type until/unless EMS becomes available as an option. When entering your company name, please make it clear that you are an ambulance service or fire department (no abbreviations).
  3. Wait patiently for up to 10 days to receive confirmation of access as each enrollment request is individually reviewed by Amazon staff.
  4. If you have questions, experience excessive delay, or need assistance, please contact Amazon support.

The store is a new venture, and the virtual shelves are in the process of being stocked. However, Amazon has assured us that they have tens of millions of units of PPE and supplies on rush order. We encourage you to set up your agency account and check back frequently for new item availability. 

We hope that access to the COVID-19 supplies and Amazon’s legendary logistics and delivery expertise will assist ambulance services in meeting the needs of their communities during this challenging and stressful time.

Send AAA Your COVID-19 Photos!

We are living through challenging and historic times. Please help the American Ambulance Association share YOUR story, the true impact of EMS on the front lines of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

We need your service’s photos and videos! Please send us pictures and videos of your medics in action. (Of course no HIPAA violations, please.) Pictures in the field, in PPE, caring for patients, interacting with the community, taking off a mask after a long shift, etc are all essential for communicating visually with the legislators and regulators who impact our ability to operate effectively. A mix of closeups and broader shots would be great, and candid is typically (although not always) better than posed—use your best judgment!

There are a few ways to share:

  • Tag the American Ambulance Association on Facebook (@americanambulanceassoc) or Twitter ( @amerambassoc)  when you post your own photos that you don’t mind us borrowing for media, PR, etc.
  • Text or email photos to Amanda Riordan at or 703-615-4492
  • Share your photos with your local news media!

Need a photo or video release waiver for patients and medics? Borrow ours!

Thank you for taking time away to help with this project when your services are so very busy. We are here to support you as you care for your communities! #SupportEMS

AAA Social Media Campaign During COVID-19

Demonstrate the value of EMS in the COVID-19 crisis!
#EMS is on the very front lines of the #COVID19 epidemic. We provide on-demand #mobilehealthcare for the most vulnerable patient populations, 24/7. Help AAA showcase the incredible importance of #Paramedics#EMTs, and #Dispatchers in the response to this pandemic. Would you please capture a photo of yourselves in action, holding a simple sign? It is essential that we communicate visually with legislators, regulators, and the general public to help them understand the critically important role we play in saving and sustaining lives. #AlwaysOpen #StayHomeForUs

If practical, please consider showing your medics standing apart from one another (social distancing) if they are not in PPE.

Instructions on Facebook►

Stay In Touch!

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