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President’s Perspective January 2017

Happy New Year from the American Ambulance Association. 2017 promises to bring many changes to the health care landscape, and AAA will be there with you and your ambulance service the whole way. As we launch our 2017 initiatives, I wanted to share the updates below from AAA’s board and headquarters.

Advocacy Priorities

In 2017, we will continue to work tirelessly toward our primary advocacy goal: making the CMS temporary ambulance add-on payments permanent.

This effort fits seamlessly into our longer-term payment reform plan, which includes seeking a change in our CMS status from “Supplier” of services to “Provider” of health care. We plan to back this effort with cost data obtained through a rotating, statistically valid survey of ambulance providers, rather than burdensome universal annual reporting. This Provider status would open the door for future innovations in our field, including mobile integrated health (MIH).

Our Government Affairs, Medicare Regulatory, and Payment Reform Committees, along with our paid staff and consultants, have been extremely engaged and active on these issues. To add your voice to AAA’s, please visit our advocacy page to quickly and easily contact your elected officials.

Capital Campaign

I am proud to share that the $1 million capital campaign we kicked off at the 2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show is progressing nicely, with $150,000 raised to date. These funds will be restricted, and only used after a full board vote. I ask that you consider donating as we are in uncharted waters on Capitol Hill.

Committees and Task Forces

AAA thrives on the dedication of its committee chairs, vice-chairs, and members. We have seen a recent surge in volunteerism from our active members. One of my campaign goals was to get more participation from members, what a great thing to see this happening! If you would like to be considered for committee membership, please complete AAA’s short online form.

In addition to our standing committees, we have launched three mission-critical task forces: BLS Non-Emergency, Social Media/Communications, and Small Providers. A large group of ambulance services participated in a recent Chicago meeting for the Non-Emergency task force, with another meeting planned in the Northeast in the near future.

2017 Membership Renewal

Membership is the lifeblood of AAA. Dues are the fuel that powers our advocacy engine, and enables us to offer the innovative benefits your service has come to rely on. If you have already renewed, please accept our most sincere thanks for your continued support. If you have not yet submitted payment for this year’s membership, I encourage you to renew online or reach out to staff at for assistance. Again, AAA needs your support through membership to continue our industry-advancing work.

It continues to be my pleasure to serve so many talented, dedicated healthcare professionals. Thank you for your service to your communities, and we wish you a successful and productive 2017!

Mark Postma—President
Representing EMS in America

Free Post-Election Analysis Webinar for Members

Post-Election Analysis Webinar – Thursday, November 17th, 2:00pm EST


The recent elections resulted with Republicans taking control of the White House and retaining a majority in the House and Senate. In the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, we will see a major shift from the policy positions of the current administration. It is likely that there will be immediate efforts toward the repeal, amendment, and replacement of the Affordable Care Act as well as tax reform and infrastructure improvement. Join us for this free webinar, and hear former Members of Congress Bill Paxon (R-NY) and Vic Fazio (D-CA), whom both served in their respective party leadership, give their analysis of the elections and of where the new Administration and Congress go from here.

Register Now

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No problem! All webinars will be recorded and available to stream On-Demand. Register now and watch on your own time!


Please contact Colleen Crowley at

AAA 2016 Election Update

The 2016 AAA Election is going paperless! This year’s election will be held entirely online.

AAA 2016 Election Dates to Know

Please contact Aidan Camas at with any questions.

Staff Visit to Richmond Ambulance Authority

Last week, American Ambulance Association staff took a road trip south to tour the Richmond Ambulance Authority. Known across the country and around the world for their innovative approach to EMS, RAA certainly did not disappoint.

Thank you to Chip Decker, Rob Lawrence, Dan Fellows, Elizabeth Papelino, Danny Garrison, Dempsey Whit, Jason Roach, and the whole RAA team for the hospitality and generosity with their time!

Spotlight: Kathy Lester

Kathy Lester, MPH, JD
Washington, DC
Healthcare Consultant to AAA

Tell us a little about yourself, please.

I am from Indianapolis, Indiana.  I graduated from Warren Central High School, best known for being the high school of Jane Pauley and Jeff George.  My undergraduate degree is from DePauw University.  I had a double major in biology and English literature, with a minor in violin performance.  I also loved philosophy and political science course and was the editor-in-chief of the college newspaper.  I received my JD from Georgetown University Law Center and my Master of Public Health (MPH) from The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Hygiene, now known as the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

After law school, I clerked on for The Honorable Michael S. Kanne on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.  I have also worked in all three branches of government.  In addition to the courts, I worked on the Hill for Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-IN) and in the General Counsel’s Office at the Department of Health and Human Services.

My husband and I met while both working for Senator Lugar.  He retired from the Senate after 20+ years.  We have two children and are trying to succeed in having tropical fish survive for more than a few months.

When and how did you get involved with AAA?

I began working with the AAA several years ago when we began developed recommendations for a quality program.  I believe my first meeting with the group was in Las Vegas.

How do you help AAA?

Currently, I assist on the public policy issues.  This includes working with the Congress to protect the add-ons, as well as develop payment reforms to create stability for Medicare rates.  I help to draft materials for the Hill and legislative language.  As part of this effort, I help with developing more comprehensive Medicare reform recommendations.  I also assist with the regulatory agenda and engage with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other federal agencies.  In addition, I continue to work on quality structural and measurement issues.

What is your typical day like?

Unpredictable and fun!  My days vary greatly.  I can find myself on the Hill or driving to Baltimore to meet with CMS.  I also spend a lot of time talking with AAA members and the staff team.

What are the biggest challenges you foresee for our industry?Any tips or last thoughts?


It is more important than ever to understand the cost of services and to be able to articulate why these services are necessary.

[/quote_left]All of healthcare is at a crossroads.  While federal policymakers have successfully reduced spending in the Medicare program, the focus for the foreseeable future will be how to reduce the cost of providing services.  It is more important than ever to understand the cost of services and to be able to articulate why these services are necessary.

For ambulance providers and suppliers in particular, there is great promise in the innovative payment models, because they would most likely recognize the high quality of health care services provided by ambulance providers and suppliers.  However, there is also the potential that ambulance services could become subordinate to larger provider organizations.  As this debate unfolds, it is critically important that data drive any reforms and that the industry look carefully at how programs such as value-based purchasing, the Medicare quality reporting programs (facility compare websites and the five star rating programs), and coordinated/integrated care models have worked for other Medicare providers.  At the end of the day, ambulance providers and suppliers need to understand their care and cost models and articulate use these data points to develop meaningful and sustainable reform options.

The AAA is Calling for Nominations

The AAA has officially released its 2015 call for nominations.  This year, the AAA is looking for candidates to fill the position of Regional Director.  All 5 regions currently have at least one opening.

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Katrina & Rita: Share Your Story

As we approach the ten year anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, AAA is working to gather the stories of the many members who rallied to assist in these crises.

Do you have a memory, photo, or video you would like to share with the ambulance service community? If so, please complete the brief form below, and we will add your story to our retrospective.

All content contributors will be entered into a raffle for a free registration to AAA’s 2016 Stars of Life.

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AAA recently upgraded our email system to enable us to send even more powerful and engaging member newsletters. Don’t miss out on this great content covering best practices, government advocacy, and operational excellence for ambulance services.

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