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Author: AAA Staff | Responding to Behavioral Health Emergencies

EMS News

Responding to Behavioral Health Emergencies

Don’t Miss this Virtual Symposium, August 2, 2024

The EMS community is increasingly tasked with responding to behavioral health emergencies. The 988 suicide and crisis lifeline and the emergence of dedicated behavioral health response teams have enhanced support for those in crisis, but also present unique challenges in building impactful, sustainable collaborations.

Hosted by Coalition Psychiatric Emergencies, APHA Medical Care Section, National Association of EMS Physicians and American College of Emergency Physicians, join your EMS colleagues for this important virtual symposium to help your EMS agency prepare for behavioral health emergencies.

Responding to Behavioral Health Emergencies
August 2, 2024
10 am – 4 pm ET

Register Here

This free symposium will examine the call, the response and the destination for behavioral health emergencies and explore lessons learned regarding 988 and dedicated behavioral health response teams.

Key Topics Include:

  • 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Learn how it supports those in crisis, including what help is available and how the EMS community can promote 988 for accessing care.
  • Behavioral Health Response Teams: Discover their success factors and differences from traditional EMS responses.
  • De-escalation Techniques: Understand the process of managing behavioral health crises and removing individuals from the scene.
  • Emergency Room Treatment: Explore treatment options, barriers to care, and assessments for ER versus dedicated behavioral health facilities.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to help your agency prepare for behavioral health emergencies.

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Joint Position Statement on EMS Performance Measures Beyond Response Times

Read Statement


Douglas F. Kupas*, Matt Zavadsky, Brooke Burton, Chip Decker, Robert Dunne, Peter Dworsky, Richard Ferron, DanielGerard, Joseph Grover, Joseph House, Jeffrey Jarvis, Sheree Murphy, Jerry Overton, Michael Redlener, George W.Solomon, Andrew Stephen, Randy Strozyk, Marv Trimble, Thomas Wieczorek, Kathryn Wire

Endorsed By:

  • Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration
  • American AmbulanceAssociation
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
  • American Paramedic Association
  • International Academies of Emergency Dispatch
  • International Association of EMS Chiefs
  • International City/County Management Association
  • National Association of EMS Physicians
  • National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
  • National Association ofState EMS Officials
  • National EMS Management Association
  • National EMS Quality Alliance
  • National Volunteer Fire
  • Council and Paramedic Chiefs of Canada

National EMS Advisory Council Meeting August 7-8, 2024

EMS News

Register Now: National EMS Advisory
Council Meeting August 7-8, 2024

The National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) will host a hybrid meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 1:00 pm ET, and August 8, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET for updates on initiatives and innovations, as well as facilitated panel discussion and public comment. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting virtually or in person.

Location: Hyatt Place (Georgetown)
2121 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20037
Due to limited space, virtual public attendance is encouraged.

NEMSAC meets several times each year to discuss issues facing the EMS community. Members of NEMSAC provide counsel and recommendations regarding EMS to the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS) and the Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Register Now

Agenda copy:

  • Updates from OEMS and FICEMS Chairperson
  • NRSS and Post-Crash Care update
  • Reports on advisories in progress, including:
    • Adaptability & Innovation
    • Equitable Patient Care
    • Preparedness & Education
    • Professional Safety
    • Sustainability & Efficiency
    • Integration & Technology
  • Guest Presentations (Day 1 & 2)
    • CMS Authorities with Sean Michael, MD, MBA, FACEP & Rodney Waltersdorff
    • The EMS Compact, REPLICA, ICEMSPP, & NEMSCD with Donnie Woodyard, Jr.
    • Updates from National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) with Dia Gainor, MPA
    • Updates from National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) with Christopher Way, BA, PMDC
    • Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare with Micky Tripathi, PhD, MPP

Registrants who wish to address the Council during the public comment periods can submit comments in writing to by July 31, 2024. Questions and comments for the Council may also be presented during the meeting using the live chat feature.

NHTSA is committed to providing equal access to this meeting for all program participants. Persons with disabilities in need of accommodation should send their request to Clary Mole by phone at (202) 868-3275 or by email to no later than July 31, 2024. A sign language interpreter and closed captioning services can be provided through the Zoom virtual meeting platform upon request.

This NEMSAC meeting will take place the day following the virtual August 6 Post-Crash Care Summit sponsored by the Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) with assistance from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).

The public meeting will identify and describe best practices and promising approaches for advancing post-crash care with collaboration between highway safety partners, EMS, and 911. This meeting is open for anyone to attend virtually.

Register Here

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

CMS Schedules ODF for August 1, 2024 | CY 2025 PFS

CMS header
The next CMS Ambulance Open Door Forum scheduled for:

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024

Start Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm PM Eastern Time (ET);

Please log in at least 15 minutes before call start time.

Conference Leaders: Jill Darling, Maria Durham

**This Agenda is Subject to Change**

  1. Opening Remarks

Chair- Maria Durham, Director, Division of Data Analysis and Market Based Pricing

Moderator – Jill Darling (Office of Communications)

  1. Announcements & Updates
  1. Ambulance Fee Schedule Proposal in the Calendar Year 2025 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule
    1. CY 2025 PFS proposed rule
  1. Update on the Ambulances Services Center Website

III. Open Q&A


Next Ambulance Open Door Forum: TBA

ODF email:


This Open Door Forum is open to everyone, but if you are a member of the Press, you may listen in but please refrain from asking questions during the Q & A portion of the call. If you have inquiries, please contact CMS at Thank you.

NEW and UPDATED Open Door Forum Participation Instructions:

This call will be a Zoom webinar with registration and login instructions below.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Meeting ID: 160 823 4591

Passcode: 200020

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. You may also add the webinar to your calendar using the drop-down arrow on the “Webinar Registration Approved” webpage after registering. Although the ODFs are now a Zoom webinar, we will only use the audio function, no need for cameras to be on.

For ODF schedule updates and E-Mailing List registration, visit our website at

Were you unable to attend the recent Ambulance ODF call? We encourage you to visit our CMS Podcasts and Transcript webpage where you can listen and view the most recent Ambulance ODF call. The webinar recording and transcript will be posted to:

CMS provides free auxiliary aids and services including information in accessible formats. Click here for more information. This will point partners to our version of the “Accessibility & Nondiscrimination notice” page. Thank you.

2024 Ambulance Ride-Along Toolkit

Government Affairs Update
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2024 Ambulance Ride-Along Toolkit

Educating your members of Congress about ambulance industry issues makes them much more likely to support your efforts. An easy and effective way to educate them is to invite them to participate in a local Ambulance Ride-Along!

The House and Senate will be adjourning for summer recess at the end of July and members of Congress will return home to their districts and states. This is the perfect opportunity for you to educate your members of Congress about issues facing our industry, in particular the extension of our Medicare add-on payments, the VA Final Rule,  and the EMS workforce shortage, which are important to your operation. For additional information on these issues, visit the AAA Advocacy Page, which includes one pagers about all of our initiatives.

The most effective way to deliver these key messages is to host your member of Congress or their staff on a tour of your operation and an ambulance ride-along. The AAA has made the process of arranging a ride-long or scheduling a meeting easy for you with our 2024 Congressional Ride-Along Toolkit. 

Are you willing to host a Member of Congress at your service but unsure of how to set it up? Email  Meghan Winesett at!

Everything you need to arrange the ride-along or schedule a meeting is included in the Toolkit.  Act now and invite your elected officials to join you on an Ambulance Ride-Along!

Questions?: Contact Us:

If you have questions about the legislation or regulatory initiatives being undertaken by the AAA, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the AAA Government Affairs Team.

Additionally, if you are interested in setting up a virtual meeting with your member of Congress please do not hesitate to reach out! We would be happy to schedule the meeting on your behalf and have a member of our advocacy team join the meeting with you.

Tristan North – Senior Vice President of Government Affairs

Meghan Winesett– AAA Senior Manager of Government Affairs

Thank you for your continued membership and support.

The AAA has launched a new Call to Action page to enhance our grassroots efforts! Use the button below to contact your members of Congress requesting them to cosponsor the Protecting Access the Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act (H.R. 1666 / S. 1673) and the PARA-EMT Act (H.R. 6433).
Contact Your Representatives Today!

NREMT Launches New Certification Examinations for Paramedics and AEMTs

From the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Launches New Certification Examinations for Paramedics and AEMTs

The examinations align the National Registry with other health-based professions while retaining the rigor needed for advanced-level Emergency Medical Services (EMS) clinicians.   

(Columbus, Ohio) – Today, the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians launched new certification examinations for Paramedics and Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMTs), integrating new advancements in clinical practice, science, research, and technologies. These updates ensure that Paramedics and AEMTs are knowledgeable and prepared to manage emergency medical events.

“As the national certifying organization for emergency medical clinicians, it’s imperative that our examinations stay current with changes to our profession and evaluate candidates based on the best research and science available,” said Bill Seifarth, Executive Director at the National Registry. “Whenever someone calls 911, no matter where they are in the country, they trust that whoever arrives with the ambulance has the knowledge and skills to care for them. At the National Registry, we’re responsible for validating that trust by keeping our examinations up to date and ensuring all clinicians are competent to successfully respond to an emergency.”

To ensure the National Registry’s certification examinations measure current practice, the most recent National EMS Practice Analysis and its subsequent Addendum were conducted to identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, and clinical judgment required for entry-level clinician competency. This information, coupled with the feedback from the EMS community and continuous collaboration with the National Registry’s accreditor, the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), formed the foundation for these new examinations.

“The new Paramedic and AEMT certification examinations incorporate current EMS practices and use innovative item types that leverage interactive technology to evaluate candidates’ knowledge and clinical judgment in diverse ways beyond traditional multiple-choice or multiple-response formats,” explained Dr. Mihaiela Gugiu, Chief Assessment Officer at the National Registry. “These enhancements ensure a unified and thorough assessment process for all certification seekers.”

The new examinations allow candidates to take a single comprehensive examination on one date, reducing logistical challenges while preserving the examinations’ rigor, consistent with standards in other health-based professions.

Additional information about the examinations can be found online at or by listening to or watching the National Registry’s recently launched podcast, Registry Insider.



Online Press Release:

New AEMT and Paramedic Certification Examination Information Page:

Registry Insider Vodcast (video); Episode 1 is all about the new examinations:

Registry Insider Podcast (audio); Episode 1 is all about the new examinations:

PPRP | Make Sure You’re Ready for Children – Complete the Assessment!

While the majority of EMS and fire-rescue agencies provide emergency care to children, pediatric calls are rare. In fact, because most agencies see fewer than eight pediatric patients per month, many EMS clinicians don’t feel capable or confident when caring for children.

Being pediatric ready, or ensuring agencies are trained, equipped, and prepared for children in accordance with national recommendations, can reduce anxiety and increase confidence. Research suggests it may also improve outcomes.

But how do you know if your agency is really ready for its next pediatric call? The Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project Assessment, which launched May 1, can help. The online assessment tool is open to EMS and fire-rescue agencies that respond to public 911
calls. It takes an average of 30 minutes to complete.

Once you’ve completed the assessment you will receive a detailed report that will identify specific gaps in your EMS agency’s pediatric readiness. Your agency then can use the report to identify resources in the Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Toolkit to help you make
improvements. As part of your report, you’ll also receive benchmarking information comparing your score with the national average score of all agencies, as well as the average score of agencies with similar pediatric volume.

You can be more comfortable, capable, and confident about caring for children by taking the steps to make sure your agency is truly “peds ready” – complete the Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Assessment!

To find out more about the Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Assessment, visit You may also reach out to your state’s EMSC Program Manager with any questions

HealthAffairs | Health Insurance Coverage Projections

Health Insurance Coverage Projections For The US Population  And Sources Of Coverage, By Age, 2024–34


In the Congressional Budget Office’s projections of health insurance coverage, 92.3 percent of the US population, or 316 million people, have coverage in 2024, and 7.7 percent, or 26 million, are uninsured. The uninsured share of the population will rise over the course of the next decade, before settling at 8.9 percent in 2034, largely as a result of the end of COVID-19 pandemic–related Medicaid policies, the expiration of enhanced subsidies available through the Affordable Care Act health insurance Marketplaces, and a surge in immigration that began in 2022. The largest increase in the uninsured population will be among adults ages 19–44. Employment-based coverage will be the predominant source of health insurance, and as the population ages, Medicare enrollment will grow significantly. After greater-than-expected enrollment in 2023, Marketplace enrollment is projected to reach an all-time high of twenty-three million people in 2025.

Read on HealthAffairs | State EMS Bill Tracking Database Updated with Key Enacted Legislation

EMS News

State EMS Bill Tracking Database Updated with Key Enacted Legislation features a searchable database of all state EMS legislation.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) work together to create the EMS Legislative Database, which  provides up-to-date information about important EMS legislation nationwide

In 2023, 45 states and territories enacted 195 bills to address a variety of topics, including the anonymous surrender of infants to EMS providers, death benefits for EMS clinicians and other first responders, transport to alternative destinations, proclamation of EMS Week, allowable maximum rates for ground ambulance transportation, community paramedicine, reporting of overdose events and much more.

Visit EMS Legislation Database

The EMS Legislative Database offers a summary of enacted EMS legislation in an easy-to-use resource, allowing users to search legislation by topic, state, keyword, status, bill number, year (from 2021 to the present) and/or author. New legislation is added biweekly, and searchable topics include Administration, Funding, Rules, Systems and Workforce and subtopics within each.

For more information about the EMS Legislative Database, 2023 and 2024 Legislation updates or the State EMS Bill Tracking Database visit or contact Annie Kitch with NCSL at

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Share Your Message of Support for Families of Fallen EMS Heroes

The all-volunteer National EMS Memorial Service honors EMS professionals who have died in the line of duty. Write your message of sympathy for the families of the 2024 honorees below, and they will be shared with them at the NEMSMS Weekend of Honor. Even just a sentence or two means the world to those left behind.


National EMS Memorial Service | Messages to Families

The American Ambulance Association is collecting messages on behalf of the National EMS Memorial Service for the families of EMS professionals who passed away in the line of duty. Please use this form to share your message with the loved ones left behind. View a list of the 2024 honorees at

Please share a brief message here for the families who lost a loved on to an EMS line of duty death.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Rest in Peace, Richard Zuschlag

It is with profound sorrow that the American Ambulance Association extends our heartfelt condolences to the Acadian family on the passing of Richard Zuschlag. As a cherished friend and esteemed colleague, Richard’s impact on the EMS community and beyond is immeasurable. His vision, generosity, and unwavering dedication have left an indelible mark on all who knew him.

Randy Strozyk, President of the American Ambulance Association, aptly said, “Richard was a giant in our field, whose passion for service and commitment to excellence set a standard that will inspire future generations. His legacy of compassion and leadership will forever guide us.”

Richard’s life was a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and servant leadership. He was a beacon of hope and a force for good, and his memory will continue to inspire and uplift us.


The Passing of Richard Emery Zuschlag

March 28, 1948 – June 5, 2024

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share with you the passing of our friend, mentor, and leader Richard Emery Zuschlag. Richard fought the hard fight that so many with cancer and its complications have endured. While we mourn our extraordinary loss, we are comforted in knowing that he is no longer suffering. He is now in the loving arms of his Lord, in whom he had unwavering faith.

Richard was a much loved and admired agent of change, not only in the state of Louisiana but across the nation. The lives he affected through his vision, generosity, inspiration, and leadership are countless. Whether a friend, employee, peer or patient, all of our lives were changed due to his undeniable determination to make a difference.

His legacy endures through his beautiful family, and in every life saved, every patient helped, and in every battle he waged to ensure that all people had access to high-quality medical care. He never backed down when fighting for the things he loved most: his family, his employees, and the communities he served.

His legacy also lives on in the company he tirelessly worked 53 years to grow and nurture.  Acadian Companies is not just a successful organization but also serves as an example of how servant leadership, high integrity and unwavering determination create success, not for one, but for all.

We will forever be changed, forever be grateful, and forever be better because of who Richard was and the lessons and legacy he has left us. He treated everyone with respect and was constantly striving to bring people together for the greater good. It is up to all of us to honor this legacy by living and leading by his example and his faith. Because of Richard, Acadian is stronger than ever, and in his honor, we will carry on his life’s work.

Special thanks go out to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Dr. Charles Burnell, Dr. Jason Breaux, Paul Hamilton and the many friends and healthcare providers who attended to him.

Please continue to pray for Richard, his family, friends and all those whose lives have been forever changed by this loss.

Information regarding services will be provided when available. We humbly ask you to please respect the privacy of the family while arrangements are being made.


OSHA Emergency Response Rule Comment Period Extended Again

From the OSHA Website on June 4, 2024

NEW Update: The deadline for comment submission has been extended a second time to July 22, 2024.

The Emergency Response proposed rule is here!

OSHA is happy to announce that the Emergency Response proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register and is now available for viewing.

OSHA welcomes and encourages the submission of public comments in response to this proposed rule. To allow additional time for those individuals interested in creating and submitting a comment, OSHA will be further extending the window for comment submission. The comment period now ends on July 22, 2024.

Comments can be submitted to the Emergency Response Docket at

OSHA will also be hosting a public hearing, the date of which has yet to be determined. To ensure access to the hearing for all interested members of the public, remote access will be provided.

Additional information on OSHA’s rulemaking process and how stakeholders can participate is available at | On-Demand: EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment

EMS News

Webinar Recap & Materials:
EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent EMS Focus Webinar on EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment. If you were unable to join the live session or wish to revisit the discussions, we are pleased to announce that the webinar materials are now accessible online.

Now Available for Access:

  • Webinar Recording: Watch the session at your convenience to capture the full breadth of discussions.
  • Presentation Slides: Access the visual accompaniments to the webinar for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
  • Transcript: Read the detailed transcript of the webinar for an in-depth review of the discussions
  • Q&A
Access Webinar Materials

About EMS Focus

EMS Focus provides a venue to discuss crucial initiatives, issues and challenges for EMS stakeholders and leaders nationwide. Be sure to visit for information about upcoming webinars and to view past recordings.

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1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590 | Commemorate National EMS Week

EMS News

NHTSA’s Office of EMS
Thanks You for Making Your Communities Healthier

The Office of EMS (OEMS) at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is honoring our country’s EMS clinicians during EMS Week. Thank you for delivering high-quality, compassionate care to your patients on our roadways and in homes, schools and businesses across the country. We celebrate your commitment to your profession and to the safety and health of your communities.

Please download this customizable certificate of recognition from the Office of EMS to help you recognize your team this week. And, watch or share this special thank you message from Gam Wijetunge, Office of EMS Director and active volunteer paramedic.

Today is EMS Education day. NHTSA remains committed to supporting the education of the EMS workforce, a key factor in recruitment and retention of capable clinicians. Learn more about NHTSA’s efforts in education: from the refresh of the EMS Education Standards in 2020, to the upcoming development of the EMS Education Agenda 2050, to collaboration with our partners at the Federal Highway Administration to educate clinicians about Traffic Incident Management to reduce secondary crashes.

Sign up to receive the latest news from the Office of EMS, including webinars, newsletters and industry updates.

Contact Us

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

POTUS | A Proclamation on National EMS Week 2024 Post | Share on Facebook | Retweet on X

        During National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week, we honor our Nation’s courageous EMS providers, who put it all on the line to deliver urgent, life-saving care to people across our country in times of great need.

Whether paramedics, emergency medical technicians, 911 and 988 dispatchers, or other first responders, EMS providers routinely work long hours away from loved ones to keep other families whole.  They risk their own lives and health, staring down storms, floods, or fires and rushing to rescue people in need.  For many Americans, they are a beacon of hope in some of life’s toughest moments and let us know we are going to be okay.  We have a duty to show up for them the way they show up for us.

That is why my Administration is working to get every EMS department in America the equipment and support they deserve.  During my first months in office, we passed the American Rescue Plan, investing billions of dollars to support EMS roles.  Today, we are working with State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments to keep EMTs on the job and to help them handle trauma and burn out.  We are working to get departments the resources they need to provide better training and equipment for EMS providers.  To help ease staffing shortages, we are also helping communities recruit and train more firefighters, who often provide emergency medical services as well.  We are fighting to ease the burden of student loans.  In all, we have cancelled debt for 4.6 million student borrowers, including for nearly 900,000 public service workers by fixing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which many non-profit or government EMS provider employees could be eligible for.

I have often said that courage lies in every heart, and the expectation is that it will one day be summoned.  It is summoned every day for America’s EMS providers.  They embody the best of our Nation — bravery, honor, and respect, never failing to answer the call to help others.  This week, we thank them and the unions that protect so many of our EMS providers and promise to always have their backs.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 19 through May 25, 2024, as National Emergency Medical Services Week.  I call upon public officials, doctors, nurses, paramedics, EMS providers, and all the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities to honor our brave EMS workers and to pay tribute to the EMS providers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.


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