AAA Standards of Conduct
These Standards of Conduct ensure that American Ambulance Association (AAA) members are aware of, and committed to, upholding standards of conduct required of all AAA members and their representatives. These Standards of Conduct are intended to assist members of the general public with understanding the duties and responsibilities of AAA members. AAA developed and adopted these Standards of Conduct to provide members with a clear statement of the expectations of their conduct. These Standards of Conduct were approved and ratified by the AAA Board of Directors.
These Standards of Conduct specify professional standards that allow for the proper discharge of member’s responsibilities to those served, and that protect the integrity of the profession. In order to be considered for membership or retain membership in AAA in good standing, no individual or entity (including without limitation, Responsible Individuals, which are defined to be individuals within organizations that have an ownership interest in the organization, may be the primary contact of the organization, and/or are involved in the day to day operation of the organization) can be in violation of any of the provisions listed below. AAA members are obligated to report unethical behavior and violations of these Standards of Conduct they reasonably and in good faith believe have been performed by other AAA members. These Standards of Conduct are dynamic and subject to revision in keeping with the changing demands and expectations of the profession.
Standards of Practice
Standard I: Duties to AAA
No Member or Responsible Individual can be in violation of the provisions listed below:
- Falsification of any information submitted to AAA;
- Failure to meet any financial obligation justly due to AAA;
- Willful acts to discredit AAA, including the repeated failure to cease such actions after notice by AAA;
- Representing AAA or expressing an opinion in the name of AAA without AAA’s prior written approval;
- Engaging in any activity that may conflict with the interests, goals, and objectives of AAA;
- Recruitment of other member employees at any AAA sponsored function;
- Any inappropriate use of AAA materials, resources, and/or information; and/or
- Failure to adhere to AAA’s Standards of Practice, Rules and Procedures, policies, and/or Bylaws.
Standard II: Legal and Ethical Requirements
Members and Responsible Individuals must comply with all the legal requirements in applicable jurisdictions. No Member or Responsible Individual can be in violation of the provisions listed below:
- Conviction of a violation of any federal, state or local laws; and/or
- Theft or misappropriation of any property or any act to defraud AAA.
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