Improving Retention and Recruitment

Improving Retention and Recruitment Through Work-Life Balance and Mental Health Initiatives
May 14, 2025 | 14:00 ET | Free to AAA Members
Speaker: Heather Stenbroten
Recruiting and retaining EMS personnel is a multifaceted challenge that involves addressing various factors including job satisfaction, career development, and workplace environment. Providing mental health resources and promoting work-life balance are crucial for long-term retention. In this session, participants will understand the different generations and how work-life balance is becoming the most important aspect of a job. Participants will see how Gold Cross grew by 56% and stabilized recruitment and retention. Interventions include improving mental health, creating new schedules/templates for all walks of life, adding RNs to staffing models with RN to EMS boot camps, pioneering EMT and Paramedic in-house cadets programs. Participants will learn how to implement their own mental health assessment and intervention plan and improve work-life balance.
Heather started her health care career in 2004 when she graduated with her Licensed Practical Nursing Certificate the same year as she graduated high school. She went on to get her master’s in nursing and spent much of her in-hospital experience in cardiac care, emergency department, and developing and managing a healthcare system’s accreditation for cardiac care in and out of the hospital. Five years ago, she started her journey in pre-hospital and has never looked back. She advanced into her current role as Administrative Director from the Quality and Compliance manager. Some of her major accomplishments include development of a critical care team, managing 56% percent growth after COVID, and pioneering an EMT and Paramedic cadet program.