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On-Demand | Climbing the Career Ladder—Steps to Professional Development

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By Scott Moore

Climbing the Career Ladder—Steps to Professional Development
March 19th , 2025 | 14:00 ET | Free to AAA Members
Speaker: Scott Moore, Esq. | WMK Law Group

This session is intended for all provider levels but is primarily geared toward individuals currently serving in a supervisory or other EMS leadership role. One of the greatest challenges facing many EMS organizations is the actual or perceived lack of a formal career ladder or career progression. Many EMS agency senior executives struggle to develop new leaders in their organizations and are finding that they are having difficulty identifying the next generation of supervisors and managers.This session will demonstrate a professional development plan that any EMS professional can utilize to ensure that they are prepared for every promotional opportunity they encounter during the course of their EMS career. During the session we will outline the key actions and the critical success factors necessary for successful EMS leaders. Additionally, we will discuss how organizations can identify which members of their team are likely to be the leaders of tomorrow.

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