Bringing Research to the Frontline Providers

Bringing Research to the Frontline Providers: Supporting your Quality Management Program with Continuing Education Practices that Work
April 10, 2025 | 14:00 ET | Free to AAA Members
Speaker: Michael Kaduce
EMS quality assurance and improvement fallouts are a problem for every EMS Agency and service provider. The first step is undoubtedly recognition. However, the steps to addressing these inadequacies are more significant and include delivering quality education. Take, for example, the difference between patients who should receive a 12 lead EKG in the field versus those who actually receive one. How do you deliver education that both teaches your providers the importance of anginal equivalents and motivates them to include this procedure when necessary? Just as data drives patient outcomes, educational best practices also improve classroom learning. Join Michael as he details developing and delivering high-quality continuing education as part of a quality improvement program.
Michael Kaduce, MPS, NRP is the director of the Falck Health Institute, where he leads the initial education initiatives for Falck. Michael began his EMS journey as an EMT in Iowa and later became a paramedic/firefighter for the Urbandale Fire Department. After four years, Michael became an EMS Educator at the University of Iowa, providing EMT and paramedic initial and continuing education. Michael then joined the UCLA Center for Prehospital Care at the David Geffen School of Medicine as the EMT program director, overseeing the country’s largest EMT education program for 6 years. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security and Public Health. Michael has been published on prehospital patient care and EMS educational best practices and serves as an author for the most widely used EMT and paramedic textbooks. Michael is the West Coast representative for the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians Board of Directors and has taught NAEMT courses around the globe. Michael is also a research associate for the UCLA Prehospital Care Research Forum.