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Joint Position Statement on EMS Performance Measures Beyond Response Times

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Douglas F. Kupas*, Matt Zavadsky, Brooke Burton, Chip Decker, Robert Dunne, Peter Dworsky, Richard Ferron, DanielGerard, Joseph Grover, Joseph House, Jeffrey Jarvis, Sheree Murphy, Jerry Overton, Michael Redlener, George W.Solomon, Andrew Stephen, Randy Strozyk, Marv Trimble, Thomas Wieczorek, Kathryn Wire

Endorsed By:

  • Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration
  • American AmbulanceAssociation
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
  • American Paramedic Association
  • International Academies of Emergency Dispatch
  • International Association of EMS Chiefs
  • International City/County Management Association
  • National Association of EMS Physicians
  • National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
  • National Association ofState EMS Officials
  • National EMS Management Association
  • National EMS Quality Alliance
  • National Volunteer Fire
  • Council and Paramedic Chiefs of Canada

Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration (AIMHI), International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

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