Updates on the VA Final Rule and NDAA Workforce Amendment
House Passes Language to Stop FY2025 Start of VA Final Rule
On June 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the FY2025 MilCon-VA-Related Agencies Appropriations bill. Included in the bill was language championed by Subcommittee Chair John Carter (R-TX) and Representatives Ryan Zinke (R-MT), Michael Guest (R-MS), Val Hoyle (D-OR), Brad Finstad (R-MN) and John Rutherford (R-FL) amongst numerous others that would prohibit the Department of Veterans Affairs from using funding during FY2025 (October 1, 2024 through September 20, 2025) to implement the Final Rule on Special Modes of Transportation. The Rule would reduce reimbursement under the VA travel pay program to Medicare rates for noncontracted ambulance services.
The Association of Air Medical Services, and several air and ground ambulance service organizations, as well as the AAA had submitted requests to several of the offices on language. In addition, the Committee included report language directing the VA to work with stakeholders to identify appropriate levels of reimbursement and to report to Congress on those efforts.
FY25 VA Approps Special Modes Language
Perez/Finstad Offer NDAA EMS Workforce Amendment
Representatives Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) and Finstad (R-MN) have submitted a bipartisan amendment (No. 809) to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (H.R. 8070) that would provide states with funding to help cover the transition costs of a military medic becoming a civilian paramedic or EMT when leaving the Armed Services. The language of the amendment is a modified version of the provision included in the PARA-EMT bill (H.R. 6433) being championed by Gluesenkamp Perez and Finstad.
The AAA along with the National Association of EMTs and National Rural Health Association worked with the two congressional offices on the revised legislative text. The House Rules Committee is expected to meet the week of June 10 to determine the rule for floor consideration of H.R. 8070 and decide on allowed amendments.
Also, NAEMT working with the House Armed Services Committee was able to get report language to accompany the NDAA directing the Department of Defense to provide a report to the Committee on efforts to help ensure that EMTs and paramedics are better positioned to make the transition to the civilian workforce upon leaving the military
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