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AAA Submits Paramedic Expedited Visa Comments in Line with PARA-EMT Act

On May 13, the AAA submitted a Comment Letter to the Department of Labor (DOL) in response to their Request for Information (RFI) on modernizing the process and updating the occupations that fall under the Schedule A program. Schedule A is a program administered by DOL which allows for expedited visa processing for occupations with a predetermined workforce shortage. The AAA advocated in our letter for the DOL to add paramedics and EMTs to Schedule A which currently includes nurses, physical therapists and individuals with exceptional abilities in the sciences and arts.
The comment letter by the AAA is in line with a provision of the PARA-EMT Act (H.R. 6433) by Congresswoman Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) and Congressman Brad Finstad that would direct DOL to conduct a study on the EMS workforce shortage and report to Congress on consideration by the Department to add paramedics and EMTs to the list of occupations under Schedule A.

Department of Labor (DOL), Representative Brad Finstad (R-MN), Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA)

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