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NEMSIS 2021 Public Dataset Now Available for Research

EMS News

Data from Nearly 49 Million EMS Activations in 2021 Now Available for Research

Additionally, National EMS Database reaches important milestone as 50 states, D.C. and 3 U.S. territories are now submitting patient care data

The National Emergency Medical Services Information System Technical Assistance Center (NEMSIS TAC) announced the release of the 2021 Public-Release Research Dataset, the largest publicly available data of emergency medical services (EMS) activations in the U.S.

The dataset includes information from patient care reports from nearly 49 million EMS activations submitted by almost 14,000 EMS agencies serving communities across the country. Collected at the local level by individual EMS clinicians responding to calls and caring for patients, this data provides EMS agencies, states and the nation with critical insights for quality improvement, resource deployment, public health surveillance and more.

Since the NEMSIS data standard and National EMS Database were created with support from the NHTSA Office of EMS, researchers have used the data to study numerous important clinical and operational issues. This year alone, National EMS data has been used in articles addressing airway management, socioeconomic disparities, cardiac arrest, stroke and overdoses, just to name a few.

To learn more about the NEMSIS 2021 Public-Release Research Dataset, including how to request a copy of the dataset for research, visit, where you’ll find access to tutorials as well as online and pdf forms to request the data.

Learn More About the Dataset

NHTSA and the NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center also recently celebrated the addition of Delaware to the list of states and territories submitting EMS data to the National EMS Database–meaning information from EMS activations in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and three additional U.S. territories are now being collected. This means an even more robust, complete picture of EMS across the country will be available to policymakers and researchers in the future.

New Dataset Image

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