NEMSAC | National EMS Advisory Council Meeting Webcast March 2–3
The National EMS Advisory Council will be holding a virtual meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, March 2-3. Members of the public can register for the webcast here.
NEMSAC meets several times each year to discuss issues facing the EMS community and provide advice and recommendations regarding EMS to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the Department of Transportation and to the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS.
The agenda for each day includes time for NEMSAC subcommittee deliberations in the morning, with the webcast council meeting convening at 12:00 pm ET on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, and 1 pm ET on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Items on the council’s agenda include:
– FICEMS COVID-19 Response
– National Suicide Hotline Update
– Reviewing the Need for EMS and Obstetric Collaboration
– Rural, Tribal and Frontier EMS Challenges
– Improving Stroke Triage and Transport Protocols for EMS
– Public Comment
Individuals registered for the meeting interested in addressing the council during the public comment periods must submit their comments in writing to Clary Mole at clary.mole@dot.gov by 5pm ET on February 24, 2022.
This meeting will be open to the public. NHTSA is committed to provide equal access to this meeting for all program participants. Persons with disabilities in need of an accommodation should send your request to Clary Mole by phone at (202) 868-3275 or by email at Clary.Mole@DOT.gov no later than February 24, 2022. A sign language interpreter will be provided, and closed captioning services will be provided for this meeting through the WebEx virtual meeting platform.
National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council Notice of Public Meeting This notice announces a meeting of the National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (NEMSAC).
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