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Credit Card Processing: Interchange Plus vs. Tiered Pricing

May 23, 2016, by Mary Kate Mack


When it comes down to the pricing structures offered by different credit card payment processors, how do you determine which is best for your ambulance service? The American Ambulance Association has teamed up with Payline Data to kick confusion to the curb.

Tiered Pricing Structure

Tiered pricing is a rate structure in which several hundred different processing rates are packaged into tiers that represent three different possible rates. Most providers package the rates into three groups with varying markups. Unfortunately, there is no regulation behind how merchant account providers must package their tiers, which prevents merchants from knowing exactly how much a given provider is making on each transaction. Despite the prevalence of tiered pricing in the credit card processing industry, a more competitive and transparent pricing model is available in the form of Interchange-plus pricing.

Interchange-Plus Pricing

Interchange-Plus pricing is the most transparent pricing model and it’s what Payline offers to all AAA members. This model for pricing puts the power in your hands by giving you a straightforward and clear explanation of charges. Interchange describes the rates that come directly from the card networks. No merchant or processing company has any control over these rates. Every merchant pays interchange, which varies based on the type of card your customer is using. The plus is what Payline is charging you for our ​service. It is our​ profit and is shown in terms of a small percentage markup and a minimal transaction cost.

The best-fit pricing structure is one that is designed to help your business thrive. To hear more about our exclusive pricing option for AAA members, call our friendly Payline representative for a free, no-obligation quote today.

Payline DataContact

Steve Marshall
Director of Corporate Partnerships
(800) 284-7401

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