2025 Medicare Reference Manual Released
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orOn December 23, 2024, CMS posted a revised version of the CY 2025 Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use Files on its website. These files contain the Medicare allowed amounts for the various levels of ambulance service and mileage. The file is organized by state, and by payment locality within each state. The 2025 Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use File can be viewed by clicking here.
Unfortunately, CMS has elected in recent years to release its Public Use Files without state and payment locality headings. As a result, in order to look up the rates in your service area, you would need to know the CMS contract number assigned to your state. This is not something the typical ambulance service would necessarily have on hand. For this reason, the AAA has created a reformatted version of the CMS Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule, which includes the state and payment locality headings. Members can access this reformatted fee schedule below.
The American Ambulance Association is also pleased to announce the release of its 2025 Medicare Rate Calculator tool. The AAA believes this is a valuable tool that can assist members in budgeting for the current year. This calculator has been updated to account for recent changes in Medicare policies, including the 2025 Ambulance Inflation Factor and the extension of the temporary adjustments for ground ambulance services (i.e., 2% urban, 3% rural, and super rural bonus) through March 31, 2025. This extension was the result of Section 3203 of the American Relief Act, 2025. Barring further legislation, these temporary adjustments will expire on March 31, 2025.
Note on Medicare Sequestration: Both the Ambulance Fee Schedule Public Use Files and the AAA Medicare Rate Calculator display the current Medicare allowables. Neither takes into account the impact of so-called “budget sequestration” on Medicare payments. By law, the sequester requires Medicare contractors (and Medicare Advantage insurers) to reduce the amounts they pay under the Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule by 2% (i.e., 2% off the 80% of the Medicare allowable typically paid by the Medicare contractor).
The American Ambulance Association is pleased to release its 2025 State Medicaid Rate Survey. This survey sets forth the fee-for-service Medicaid rates for all 50 states. For each state, the Survey lists the rate paid for each of the following procedure codes:
The rates set out in this survey are based on publicly available information provided by the various state Medicaid agencies. While the AAA has taken steps to verify the accuracy of the information on this Survey, it is possible that the rates provided in the Survey may not reflect changes to a state’s reimbursement policies that have not been made publicly available. These rates may also not reflect any emergency budgetary measures or other temporary reductions imposed by a state.
The AAA’s goal is to make this survey as accurate as possible. Therefore, if you believe the rates for your state are inaccurate, please contact hello@ambulance.org for assistance.
The survey is free to AAA members.
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orOn November 21, 2024, the HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued Advisory Opinion 24-09. The opinion relates to a proposal by a municipal ambulance service to begin billing health insurances for treatment-in-place (TIP) services.
The Requestor historically did not charge patients or their insurance when it would respond to a 911 call and treat the patient at the scene. The Requestor indicated that it was considering the implementation of a charge for TIP services furnished in connection with a 911 response. This charge would be based on the level of care furnished to the patient at the scene, and would not exceed the amounts the Requestor currently charged for the same level of service furnished in connection with an ambulance transport. The Requestor indicated that it would impose this charge for all forms of third-party health insurance (i.e., it would bill both Federal health care programs and commercial insurers); however, the Requestor stated that it would not charge uninsured patients for TIP services. Under the proposed arrangement, the requestor would also agree to accept payment from a patient’s health insurance as payment-in-full, i.e., the Requestor would waive any cost-sharing amounts imposed by the patient’s health insurance.
For background purposes, there currently exists a safe harbor to the Federal anti-kickback statute (AKS) for cost-sharing waivers for emergency ambulance services[1]. To qualify for protection under the safe harbor, certain conditions must be met. These include requirements that: (1) the ambulance provider or supplier be owned and operated by a state, a political subdivision of a state, or a recognized tribal organization, (2) the ambulance provider or supplier provide “emergency responses,” (3) the ambulance provider or supplier offers the reduction or waiver on a uniform basis to all of its residents or tribal members, or to all individuals transported, and (4) that the ambulance provider or supplier not claim the waived amounts as bad debt for payment purposes under a Federal health care program. It is the requirement that the waiver be offered on a uniform basis to “all individuals transported” that created the potential need for the advisory opinion.
In other words, the Requestor was attempting to clarify whether the safe harbor was limited to ambulance transports, or whether the OIG would be willing to extend the protections of the safe harbor to all ambulance services, including TIP service.
As part of its analysis, the OIG first determined that the proposed arrangement would result in remuneration in the form: (1) cost-sharing waivers for TIP services covered by patients with commercial insurers and a handful of Medicare Advantage plans that currently cover TIP services and (2) services provided at no charge to patients that lack health insurance. The OIG further determined that this remuneration would implicate both the Federal anti-kickback statute (AKS) and the prohibition on beneficiary inducements. To reach this conclusion, the OIG noted that the cost-sharing waivers might induce Federal health care program beneficiaries to elect to receive other EMS services from the Requestor. The OIG then determined that the proposed arrangement would not qualify under any of the existing safe-harbors. Specifically, the OIG determined that the proposed arrangement would not fall under the existing safe harbor for emergency ambulance services because TIP services are not currently covered under the Medicare Program or the majority of State Medicaid Programs. The OIG further noted that, even if a State Medicaid Program did cover TIP services, the arrangement would still not qualify for the safe harbor because the safe harbor currently only covers ambulance transportation services.
While not qualifying for protection under an existing safe harbor, the OIG nonetheless determined that the proposed arrangement carried little risk of fraud or abuse. The OIG based this determination on several factors. First, the cost-sharing waiver would be applied to all patients receiving TIP services, regardless of their insurance. Second, because neither Medicare nor the majority of State Medicaid Programs currently cover TIP services, the arrangement would not result in any meaningful costs being incurred Federal health care programs. By contrast, the OIG noted that the arrangement might reduce Federal health care program expenditures, by avoiding the need for ambulance transportation and subsequent hospital care. Third, even in those states where Medicaid paid for TIP services, the arrangement was unlikely to increase utilization of EMS services. Finally, the OIG determined that the cost-sharing waivers were unlikely to “meaningfully affect” a patient’s decision to use the Requestor for further ambulance services, noting that patients’ future EMS usage is more likely to be impacted by other factors, including the patient’s location and the decisions made by a 911 dispatcher. For these reasons, the OIG issued a favorable advisory opinion.
The advisory opinion is notable because it is the first time the OIG has addressed the issue of cost-sharing waivers unrelated to an actual ambulance transport. As part of its opinion, the OIG acknowledged the potential benefits of TIP services, including their potential to decrease overall Federal health care program expenditures. The opinion also suggests that the OIG does not view TIP services as creating new compliance risks distinct from those raised by ambulance transportation in general. Thus, the opinion suggests that if the Medicare Program were to extend its ambulance benefit package to include TIP services at some point in the future, the OIG would likely be open to extending the current safe harbor to cover TIP services as well.
[1] 42 C.F.R. §1001.953(k)(4).
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orOn September 6, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that CMS and its contractor, Wisconsin Physician Service Insurance Corporation (WPS), have begun the process of notifying nearly a million Medicare beneficiaries that were potentially impacted by a data breach involving WPS.
The data breach involved WPS’ use of the third-party application MOVEit. MOVEit is a file transfer application developed by Progress Software. In May 2023, a hacker group called CL0P discovered a security vulnerability that allowed the company to steal sensitive information from secure databases used by numerous governmental agencies and corporations. This included the protected health information (PHI) of Medicare beneficiaries and non-Medicare beneficiaries stored within WPS’ databases.
The notices inform affected Medicare beneficiaries of the steps they can take to protect themselves. As part of its remedial efforts, WPS is offering affected Medicare beneficiaries one year of free credit monitoring from Experian.
CMS indicated that it was not aware of any reported incidents of fraud or improper use of a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI). However, CMS noted that, if the beneficiary’s MBI was potentially impacted, they would mail a new Medicare card with a new MBI to the patient. Thus, the data breach has the potential to impact the patient demographic information you currently maintain within your billing systems. This is especially true for AAA Members that operate in Medicare jurisdictions currently administered by WPS (Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Nebraska). Specifically, the MBIs on file for existing patients may no longer be accurate. This also has the potential to impact Medicare eligibility information that you receive from other parties like hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, etc.
AAA Members will have to make a business judgment on how to address these potential concerns. One possible option would be to implement a process to confirm the MBI of existing patients prior to the submission of new claims. Another possible option might be to implement internal procedures to flag claims that are denied for an incorrect MBI as potentially related to this issue, and to then verify the patient’s correct MBI prior to resubmitting any denied claims.
On August 22, 2024, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing an extension of the timely filing limits for claims impacted by the Change Healthcare cyberattack.
In February, Change Healthcare announced that it was the victim of a massive cyberattack. In response, Change Healthcare proactively took down several of its online platforms, including its online claim submission platform. This platform is used by the VA to receive electronic claims. The VA indicated that this resulted in what it calls “limited or no ability” to receive electronic claims between February 21, 2024 and May 8, 2024 (referred to hereinafter as the “Limited Access Period”).
The current notice is intended to address problems with timely filing that resulted from that Limited Access Period. Specifically, the VA is announcing that claims that would have been considered timely had they been submitted during the Limited Access Period will continue to be treated as timely filed to the extent they are submitted on or before October 31, 2024.
Claims submitted after that date will not be considered timely filed, and will be denied.
Thus, the VA is effectively extending the timely filing period for VA claims through October 31, 2024. The VA expressly noted that this would include claims for transportation furnished to veterans with dates of service between February 21, 2022 and March 23, 2024. Note: the specific program under which ambulance transportation claims are being paid will determine the actual timely filing limits. The VA was simply noting the earliest and latest possible qualifying dates.
Therefore, if you have claims for ambulance services that were recently denied by the VA for lack of timely filing, the AAA encourages you to resubmit those claims to the VA under this extending timely filing period.
Section 1834(l)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act mandates that the Medicare Ambulance Fee Schedule be updated each year to reflect inflation. This update is referred to as the “Ambulance Inflation Factor” or “AIF”.
The AIF is calculated by measuring the increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the 12-month period ending with June of the previous year. Starting in calendar year 2011, the change in the CPI-U is now reduced by a so-called “productivity adjustment”, which is equal to the 10-year moving average of changes in the economy-wide private nonfarm business multi factor productivity index (MFP). The MFP reduction may result in a negative AIF for any calendar year. The resulting AIF is then added to the conversion factor used to calculate Medicare payments under the Ambulance Fee Schedule.
For the 12-month period ending in June 2024, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has calculated that the CPI-U has increased by 3.0%.
CMS has yet to release its estimate for the MFP for calendar year 2024. Since its inception, this number has fluctuated between 0.3% and 1.2%. For calendar year 2024, the MFP was 0.4%.
Under normal circumstances, it would be reasonable to expect the 2025 MFP to be within a tenth of a percentage point or two of the 2024 MFP.
Accordingly, the AAA is projecting that the 2025 Ambulance Inflation Factor will likely be 2.6%, plus or minus 0.1%.
The AAA will notify members once CMS issues a transmittal setting forth the official 2025 Ambulance Inflation Factor.
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orOn March 9, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the creation of the Change Healthcare/Optum Payment Disruption (CHOPD) Program. Under the CHOPD Program, CMS will make accelerated payments to Part A providers and advance payments to Part B suppliers that have experienced claims disruptions as a result of the Change Healthcare cyberattack.
Under the CHOPD Program, qualifying providers and suppliers will be eligible to apply for and receive Medicare advances of up to 30 days of their average Medicare payments. Applications for payment advances must be made to the provider’s or supplier’s Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). The 30-day payment advance will be based on the average Medicare payments to the provider or supplier between August 1, 2023 and October 31, 2023. Specifically, CMS will compute the total amounts paid to the provider during this period, and then divide by 3 to arrive at the 30-day average amount.
Advance payments received through the CHOPD Program are considered a loan. Therefore, these amounts must be repaid through offsets against future Medicare payments. Recoupments will commence on the date the advance payments are received by the provider or supplier. These recoupments will be equal to 100% of future payments, and will continue until the earlier to occur of: (1) the full repayment of the advance payment or (2) 90 days. In the event a balance remains after 90 days, the MAC will generate a demand notice for the outstanding balance, which must be repaid within 30 days. If the provider does not repay the outstanding balance within that period, interest will start to accrue on the outstanding balance.
Providers and suppliers with multiple National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) may be eligible for multiple advance payments.
To qualify for advance payments, a provider or supplier must meet the following requirements:
To the extent a provider or supplier is approved for an advance payment, they must then execute a Terms and Conditions document acknowledging the following:
On February 21, 2024, UnitedHealth Group (UHG) disclosed that one of its subsidiaries was the victim of a ransomware attack. According to UHG, the cyberattack was perpetrated against Change Healthcare, an operating unit within UHG’s Optum subsidiary. Change Healthcare is a health care technology company that provides support and technical services to UHG and numerous other health care insurers. In response to the cyberattack, UHG proactively isolated the affected systems while it works to assess the damage.
Change Healthcare offers a range of services to the healthcare industry, including payment and billing, prescription processing, and data analytics. According to its website, it processes more than 15 billing healthcare transactions annually. According to the American Hospital Association, Change Healthcare touches 1 out of every 3 patient records.
As of today, Change Healthcare’s systems remain down, and there is no definitive timetable for when the company anticipates restoring services.
On March 5, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement detailing the steps HHS would be taking to avoid further disruptions to the health care system. Specifically, HHS/CMS indicated that it would:
HHS also indicated that it would permit hospitals to submit requests for Medicare Accelerated Payments, similar to those issued during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic; however other providers/suppliers do not seem to have access to this workaround HHS indicated that its MACs would be issuing specific guidance on how to request accelerated payments later this week.
According to various reports, there are approximately 800 payers whose claims routing processes utilize Change Healthcare’s network. The day-to-day processing of electronic claims for these payers may be impacted in varying degrees. This impact may be felt directly, in the case of claims submitted directly by the provider to the payer, or indirectly, in the case of claims submitted through a clearinghouse.
The AAA encourages members to contact their clearinghouses to see which payers, if any, are being affected by the system interruption. Payers that are not capable of processing electronic claims will likely have opened channels for claims to submitted on paper. The clearinghouses should be able to provide additional information on the steps a provider needs to take to ensure the proper processing of these claims.
Optum has also established temporary alternative funding options. Essentially, these are advances based on historical claims submissions, which will be repaid (likely through claim offsets) once Optum’s systems are fully back online. At this point it is unclear whether ambulance providers will be eligible for this alternative funding. Members are encouraged to check the Optum website for further updates.
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