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Congressman Ryan Zinke Honored with Legislative Recognition Award

October 10, 2024, by Tristan North


Tristan North
October 10, 2024

Congressman Ryan Zinke Honored with Legislative Recognition Award

from the American Ambulance Association


Washington, D.C. — The American Ambulance Association (AAA) has awarded Congressman Ryan Zinke (MT) a 2024 AAA Legislative Recognition Award in recognition of his leadership in ensuring veterans continue to have access to emergency 9-1-1 and interfacility ground ambulance services.

Congressman Zinke has led efforts to restrict the ability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement its Final Rule on Special Modes of Transportation which would reimburse ambulance service providers below the costs of providing medical and transport services to our veterans. Congressman Zinke has supported efforts to instead create an advisory committee to evaluate future VA reimbursement rates for ambulance services.

Due to the efforts of Congressman Zinke and a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives, the VA has recently stated it will delay implementation of the Final Rule for four years which would provide time to determine more fair and adequate payment rates for ambulance services.

“We thank Congressman Zinke for his dedication and perseverance to ensuring that our veterans and entire communities will continue to have access to vital ground ambulance service,” said AAA President, Randy Strozyk.

The American Ambulance Association will be presenting Congressman Zinke with his Legislative Recognition Award this November at the AAA Annual Stars of Life Event, which honors emergency medical services professionals from around the nation who have gone above and beyond in service to their communities.

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