On-Demand | CAD Data, AI, & Tech To Deliver High Performance, High Value EMS

Using the Power of CAD Data, Artificial Intelligence and Technology to deliver High Performance, High Value EMS
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 | 2:00pm Eastern
FREE for AAA Members | $99.00 for Non-Members
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Technology transformation in EMS is hard (and scary!). Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems are the backbone of effective EMS performance, data analytics, expanded services, and personnel satisfaction. Fort Worth’s MedStar revolutionized their dispatch operations to power not only more efficient and effective operations, but revolutionize their system away from being address-centric, to patient-centric. Learn how this high-performance system uses automation, machine learning and decision support technology to improve deployment, balance system efficiency with crew satisfaction, and provide enhanced services that would not be possible with ‘traditional’ CAD systems.
Joining us to provide insight into these issues from a variety of perspectives will be…
- Elizabeth Roden has been a MedStar field provider for 6 years, and a AAA Star of Life in 2017.
- Raylon Bryant is a dispatch supervisor in MedStar’s 9-1-1 communication center. Raylon originally joined MedStar in 2003 and was a field provider prior to joining the communications team.
- Ken Simpson has been MedStar’s Chief Operations Officer since 2017. Prior to joining MedStar, Ken led numerous high-performance EMS operations in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.
- Matt Zavadsky is MedStar’s Chief Strategic Integration Officer. He has helped lead the development and implementation of MedStar’s MIH programs since 2009.
Learn insights directly from the users of the technology, communications center and field personnel, as well as agency leaders about their experiences with MedStar’s CAD transformation from today’s technology, to the technology of tomorrow!